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John was staring at Jenny like she was crazy. And maybe she was. She did just see the spirit of Dean.

"You— saw him?" John repeated as Jenny nodded in confirmation.

"Yes. Like— I don't know. Maybe I was seeing things. Panicking because I just saw a doctor use a defibrillator on Dean." Jenny paced John's room, and Sam shook his head.

"No. We both told you, Dad. Jenny saw him. But I heard Dean." Sam looked over as Jenny started staring out the window, biting her nails.

"Maybe he's in an in-between state... He's not dead but he's not— He's not alive either. Technically speaking." Jenny assumed, looking back at the Winchester's.

"I mean it felt like, like Dean. When I heard the voice." Sam continued, shrugging softly. "Like he was there, just out of eyeshot or something. I don't know if it's my psychic thing or what, it... But do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think his spirit could be around?"

"If you're going to tell me I didn't just see Dean as a translucent... spirit or whatever because if whatever mojo I got going on up here," Jenny waved a finger to her head before dropping it. "then I'm signing myself into a psych ward."

The three exchanged looks for a moment before Sam sighed. "Well, there's only one way to find out." He started walking out of the room.

"Waist where are you going?" Jenny frowned, stepping away from the window.

"I gotta pick something up. I'll be back."

"Sam, wait." Sam stopped at the doorway, turning back to his dad. "I promise I won't hunt this demon. Not until we know Dean is okay." Sam nodded slowly before leaving Jenny and John.

Jenny looked over to John before walking towards the door. "Now where are you going?"

She paused for a moment, turning back to John. "I uhm... I need to see my brother." John frowned in confusion, Jenny leaving before he could ask any questions.

Slowly walking into Nate's room, she had a look of regret on her face. "I thought you didn't want to see me." Nate said from the window, staring out of it.

"Honestly? I don't know what I'm thinking anymore." Jenny picked at her nails with one hand, stepping closer as Nate turned to her.

"What do you mean?"

She stayed quiet for a moment. Slowly, Jenny pulled out a very small wooden box, staring down at it. "I think— I think that I want to tell you what you've missed. Before I—"

Nate tilted his head at Jenny, furrowing his brows. "Before you what?"

"Before I leave you. For good." His frown disappeared. "I know I shouldn't hate you. You've been possessed for so long I'm surprised no one exorcised the demon out of you."

Jenny walked over to Nate, sitting down next to him on the window. She opened the box, pulling out a polaroid photo. "I took this with Dean... Back in 2003 when we went on our second case together. The day I agreed to keep going on cases with them."

Jenny handed Nate the photo before pulling out another one. "Uhm... This— is a photo Bobby took. He thought it would be funny to uhm— To take a photo of me covered in Wraith blood. It was my first kill." She gave Nate the photo, and he smiled softly as she pulled out another picture.

"My first school dance... Before I dropped out." She took another photo out, pausing to stare.

"This is Leo. My.. My first boyfriend. He was a Hunter." Nate looked up at Jenny's shifting tone, frowning.

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