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Jo got off of the phone with Ash, turning back to Sam, Dean and Jenny. "Okay. Moyamensing prison. Built in 1835, torn down in 1963. And get this. They used to execute people by hanging them in the empty field next door."

"Well, then, we need a list. All the people executed there." Sam suggested and Jo nodded, waving her phone.

"Ash is already on it."


Jenny's eyes were wide with shock as she scrolled through her laptop. Sam leaned over to look, as shocked as she was. "A hundred fifty seven names?" He asked quietly, Jenny nodded.

"We've gotta narrow that down." Dean stated the obvious as Jenny hummed quietly, still scrolling.

"Yeah, but how the hell are we supposed to do that when 85% of that prison had murderers?" Jenny paused to look back at Dean, who had a frown of thought on his face.

"I don't know. But keep looking. Maybe you or Sam will recognize a name."  Jenny nodded, turning back to the computer.

After a few moments, Sam nudged Jenny's arm before pointing to a name. "Herman Webster Mudgett?"

"Holy shit." Jenny mumbled, raising her brows

"What?" Jo spoke up, walking over.

"H. H. Holmes. He's America's first serial killer." Jenny googled the man, an excited look on her face. "He was executed where this complex is standing. May 6th, 1896."

"H. H. Holmes himself. Come on, I mean, what are the odds?" Sam asked as Ho still looked confused.

"Who is this guy?"

The term "multi-murderer." They coined it to describe Holmes." Dean explained while Jenny nodded, turning to Jo.

"He's been accused of over 100 murders. But he only confessed to twenty seven."

"And his victim flavor of choice? Pretty petite blondes. He, uh, he used chloroform to kill 'em." Dean continued. There was a short silence before a realization struck Dean. "Which is what Jen and I smelled in the hallway last night. At his place, cops found human remains, bone fragments, and long locks of bloody blonde hair." He turned to Jo. "Boy, you sure know how to pick 'em."

"Well, we just find the bones, salt 'em and burn 'em, right?" Jo asked and Jenny shook her head.

"It's not that easy. His body is encased in a couple tons of concrete. And from what remember, we don't have a Jackhammer in the trunk."

"What? Why?" Jo frowned, which caused Jenny to take a moment n if she asked about Holmes being buried or why they didn't have a Jackhammer.

"The story goes that he didn't want anybody mutilating his corpse. 'Cause, you know, that's what he used to do." Dean joked. Sam thought for a moment? turning to everyone.

"You know somethin'. We might have an even bigger problem than that."

"It's because we don't have a jackhammer, isn't it?" Jenny asked and Sam shook his head.

"No. Holmes built an apartment building in Chicago. He called it the Murder Castle. The whole place was a death factory, they had, uh, trap doors, acid vats, quick line pits... he built these secret chambers inside the walls. He'd lock his victims in, keep them alive for days. Some he'd suffocate, others he'd let starve to death."

"Oh boy." Jenny muttered as she came to the realization.

"So Teresa could still be alive. She could be inside these walls." Jo stated the obvious, looking around in a panic.

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