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Jenny turned to that invisible camera again as if she were in a dramatic sitcom, resting her elbows in the table as the Detective Jameson sat across from her, and Ballard was standing. They were both frozen in time, their appearances angry.

"Alright, look. This is definitely different." Jenny told the reader, hoping her confusion matched them. "I didn't even realize fourth wall breaks could be a thing until recently, and now I can actually talk to you? Now really isn't the best time since I am being interrogated because my boyfriend is being accused of murder... But this is fucked up."

Jenny paused for a moment, glancing to the frozen people in front of her before turning back to the reader. "How are they not moving?" She whispered before returning to her position, waiting for the detectives to unfreeze.

"I can't keep up with these remarks. You and that Winchester are the nearly same that it's freaky." Ballard told Jenny, who smiled sarcastically. Ballard turned to Jameson, gesturing to the door. "We need to talk with Sheridan. Make sure she's cuffed."

Jenny raised her arms up, revealing she was still cuffed to the bar on the table, her fake smile still on her face. "Trust me, sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere."

Ballard gave Jenny a look as if to say she really was resembling Dean before walking out, followed by Jameson. When the door shut, Jenny glanced back to the reader, brows raised. "Is it possible for you to see if they can see me? This room doesn't have a mirror.. Only a window leading to a four story drop." She slowly turned to the window, brows raised.

Jenny waited a moment before nodding. "I'm going to assume it's possible and that you just told me I'm in the clear." Jenny cautiously moved her chair back and leaned forward, fumbling her fingers through her hair to find her hair pin.

"See. This is why Sam should at least have one of these. His hair is long enough. I tried talking Dean into it one time, but he told me that we would most likely not get caught by the cops." Jenny flipped her hair back to reveal she was now holding a hair pin. "Now would be a good time to tell him 'I told you so.'"

"I'm not doing this to break out, if that's what you're thinking." Jenny unlinked her cuffs, reaching for the notepad and pen. "I may be stupid, but I'm not an idiot. I know they are out in that hall, so running would get me to no where but a 9 by 10 cell block... Are they that big? I've only ever been held in a police station."

Jenny wrote Dana Shulps in large letters, staring at it before looking at the reader. "Sometimes I remind myself you were probably there for the time Dean and I had sex. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." She turned away, mumbling something incoherent under her breath. "Anyways. That entire time Bastard and Junkson were ranting to me, this was literally all I could think of. And food. I'm really hungry. And I'm realizing that I talk to myself a lot."

She wrote the name backwards, thinking. "Do you think it's an anagram?" Jenny stared at the name, still thinking. "I was never good with those."

She wrote a few different words with those letters down, coming up with the final word. "Ashland. Hey I saw this street coming here." The door suddenly clicked, Jenny quick to rip the paper and crumble it up before put the cuff back on her. A middle aged man walked in, holding a piece of paper.

"Miss Price?" The man said as Jenny nodded, watching him sit down. "I'm Detective Kraus. Dean wanted me to hand this to you."

Jenny took the paper, folding it open. "it's a street. Ashland. - ARAMID." Jenny scoffed a smirk, shaking her head and set the note down.

"I'd like to discuss your case now." Krause said as Jenny nodded, smiling.

"Sure thing, Matlock." Kraus frowned at her, shaking his head.

"I think you've been around them far too long." Jenny chuckled, shrugging.

"Well, I have known them for basically my entire life. So... How is Dean's case going?" Kraus gave her what she thought was a fake solemn look, shaking his head.

"He might get the death sentence on th—"

"He WHAT?" Jenny yelled, shaking her head. "You guys can't do that! There isn't any proof he actually did it other than him being at the crime scene! He doesn't have a motive! There wasn't even a murder weapon from what Ballard had told me!"

"Miss Price I know you're upset—"

"Upset doesn't even cover it, Krampus! You're telling me that the man I have been traveling the entire States with for the last four years, someone I have grown up with, someone I love is going to be killed for something he didn't do!" Kraus sighed loudly, leaning back in his chair.

"Are you done?"

"Go fuck yourself." Jenny huffed, slouching. "Now I'm done."

"Alright. Now, as you know, the DA might be interested in giving you and Sam Winchester—" Detective Ballard barged through the door, looking at Kraus.

"We need you. With the older one." Jenny gave Ballard a nervous look, glancing from Kraus, to Ballard again then to the reader.

As the two detectives left, Jenny turned back to the reader. "You've heard of the three musketeers, right?" She asked flicking through her hair again for a second pin. "Well, I like to say that Dean is Aramis. The hot-headed guy. Sam is Athos, though he isn't actually the leader, it's more Dean. And obviously..." Jenny unlinked her cuff again, smiling at the reader. "I'm Porthos."

Jenny rushed to the window, looking at the security camera in the corner before saluting s goodbye, lifting it open. "They should have put bars in this."

She poked her head out the window, looking over to see Sam dangling from his window. "Hey, Athos!" Jenny grinned, whisper yelling to Sam. He turned his head, gesturing before looking to the fire escape right next to Jenny, which was too far for him to reach.

"Jenny, little help?" Sam strained, watching Jenny climb onto the fire escape and lean over the railing. She planted her feet on the ground, outstretching her hands.

"Hey, remember that clown case we took on a few months back? When I had to do the trapeze?" Jenny reminded as Sam slowly slithered to the edge of the window, getting ready to jump to her grasp.


"I suck at upper body strength." Sam's eyes widened for a moment before looking down over his shoulder, thinking.

"It's not that far of a drop."

"Sam don't—!" Jenny watched in fear as Sam let go of the edge, dropping down to the ground with a hard thud. She quickly rushed down the fire escape, lifting him up. "You idiot! Athos is supposed to be the smart one! You're Porthos now." Sam rubbed his knee as the two rushed away from the station.

Ah yes, the three musketeers. and more fourth wall breaking.
Ik, it's weird but not completely off the show, since there are fourth wall breaking moments but not wade wilson or jennifer walters fourth wall breaking, but i kinda like it. it probably won't stick around for very long though because i have a terrible memory and will forget that jenny is able to break the fourth wall.

should there be a backstory behind that... 👀

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