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Sam, Jenny and Dean walked through the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, shovels in hand. Jenny, with her freehand, was looking at a map, occasionally looking up in confusion.

"Which way?" Sam asked as Jenny looked at the map again, humming.

"Uh... over here." They started walking further ahead as Dean spoke up.


"Yeah?" Sam answered, not paying attention as Dean gestured to a memorial for Humpty Dumpty.

"This map is totally worth the five bucks! Hey, we've gotta go check out Johnny Ramone's grave when we're done here." He grinned as Jenny looked at the memorial, then to Dean.

"You know they never implied that Humpty Dumpty was an egg?" Dean's smiled dropped to confusion as Sam bit on his lips to stifle a smile. "Actually, did you know that when a person falls from a high enough building, they bounce? They die in impact, obviously, but after the second hit they basically break like an egg." Dean stopped walking, staring at Jenny.

"You know, for how giddy you usually are, you know a lot of very dark things." He deadpanned as Jenny shrugged, looking down at the map as Sam chuckled quietly.

"I'm just saying. They couldn't put Humpty back together because—"

"Bite your tongue, heathen!" Dean interrupted as they passed another memorial, and he paused to look at it. "Oh, that's cool."

"You know, Dean, what I don't get is why now? I mean, after seventy-five years, Elise Drummond suddenly goes homicidal, you know? Why this movie?" Sam asked suddenly, as Jenny shrugged once more. Sam yanked her to avoid slamming into a tree from staring down at the map.

"Oh. Thanks."

"Well, maybe she's mad they're making a scary ghost flick." Jenny laughed at Dean's suggestion, looking at him.

"Come on, is it really that scary?" Sam asked, Dean tilting his head as he thought.

"Here it is." Jenny walked up to Elise's headstone, looking around inconspicuously.

"Yep. All right." Sam whispered, turning to Dean.

"Yahtzee." He spoke. Jenny frowned, thinking as she slammed her shovel into the dirt.

"You know, I've never played that game."


The trio had finished digging. Jenny was in the grave, cramming the coffin open with a crowbar to reveal Elise's corpse. She hopped out of the grave as Sam and Dean poured salt and kerosene over the bones.

"Guess her show won't go on." Dean joked, looking at Sam and Jenny with a smug smile, which they didn't return. Dean's smile dropped and he rolled his eyes, lighting the match and tossed it in Elise's grave.


Jenny frowned at she watched the Hell Hazers Two movie, leaning back in her chair.

"They never forgive. They never forget." The voiceover said as Jenny scoffed in amusement at how bad it already looked. Tara, as Wendy, appeared on the screen, looking around fearfully as she was surrounded by the darkness of trees.

"Mitch? Ashley?"

"And this summer, they're coming back again to settle the score... ...again." Jenny shook her head at the disappointment of the script, crossing her arms.

"I could have made a better horror movie."

Wendy suddenly turned and looked into the camera, screaming, which then continued as a montage of clips was scattered onto the screen.

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