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Being a lawyer in Stapleton, Alabama had its good and bad days. But today was a bad day and all I wanted to do was go to the town's local bar to have a shot or two. I desperately needed a drink after dealing with the Johnsons' divorce. They were fighting each other like how two dogs fight over a bone and in this case the bone was alimony.

Mr. Johnson was from a rich oil family. Ms. Johnson was from a trailer park family. Mr. Johnson fell for her looks. He thought he could control her since she grew up poor but that wasn't the case. He made her a housewife because he felt like she couldn't do anything else.  Now Cathy is showing his ass she ain't no fool.

Mr. Johnson feels that she should be grateful and not ask for alimony. His logic was she never had money growing up so she shouldn't have a problem not having any now. But Cathy said fuck that hence why she hired me to be her lawyer. It took all fucking week for them to come to an agreement.

Which was not to get a fucking divorce! The raggedy bitches made me waste a whole fucking week on their stupid asses. Just for them to fuck each and walk in all happily to announce that they weren't getting a divorce.

It took everything in me not to cuss their asses out. So, I just smiled and congratulated them. They left my office but not before paying me my money which I added an extra fee for them wasting my motherfucking time. I walked into Jack's pub and sat at the bar. I waited for Jack's son Tony to take my order.

While I waited, I scanned around the bar. People were dressed up in Halloween costumes since this was the week of Halloween. As I look around, I spot two big ass men sitting in the dark corner people used for privacy when they wanted to get a little frisky. I couldn't take my eyes off how big they were. I trailed my eyes up their bodies to their faces that I couldn't make out because of how dark it was in here.

"Hey Alexia, what can I get you?" Tony asked jerking me from low-key stalking the men in the corner.

" The usual please" I answered smiling at him.

"A martini and marijuana. Coming up"

Tony left to make my drinks. I find my attention drifting back to the giants in the corner, but they weren't there. A little sad that I couldn't see how tall they actually were, but from how they were hunched over in their seats. I would assume they were at least six feet. Anyone over my 5'0 height was considered tall in my books.

Tony sat my drinks in front of me and I gave him the money for them. I sip from my martini and scan the bar again and watched as people talk to one another. I enjoy people watching but I don't enjoy people trying to talk to me like this man who was drunk as Cooter Brown was trying to do.

He kept leaning close to my face making me gag at the smell of the alcohol on his breath. I politely told him that I wasn't interested but he wasn't getting the message. All I wanted to do was enjoy my drinks and get the fuck out of here, but I couldn't even do that. The man just kept trying to talk to me after I completely ignored him.

"Babe come on! Let's have a good time" The drunk man said putting his arm on my shoulder.

I dropped my shoulder causing him to fall from the stool landing with a thud on the ground. I down the rest of my drinks and got up from the bar, stepping over him. As I walked to the door someone grabbed my shoulder turning me around. Putting on my best-aggravated look. I look at the drunk from before.

"You stupid bitch! You made me fall!" He shouted making spit fly out his mouth.

"Look, sir, I told you to leave me alone and you insisted to keep talking to me. Then you had the nerve to put your stank ass arm on me without permission. I could've punched you in your fucking face for touching me, but I didn't. I would advise you to go back to where you came from" I snapped fed up with dealing with his ugly ass.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" He slurred holding his hand up like he wanted to hit me.

"See this is why I don't like people and especially drunk people. You guys are so unreasonable. Sir if you hit me, I'm going to beat your ass then press charges. Do you really want to hit me?" I question pulling my purse up on my shoulder.

"You stupid bitch!" He roared trying to slap me, but I backed away making him stumble.

He caught himself and came at me again but before he could reach me a man picked him up and slung him into the tables. I looked at him shocked before looking at the person who slung him. I trailed my eyes up my savor's muscular body stopping at his face.

He had to be at least seven feet tall, and he was built like a Greek God. He looked like he just stepped out of a fantasy game. The type where you can build the character in any way you wanted, and they would the best fighter with all the nice attachments added.

"Are you okay human?" He questioned.

His words were a little choppy, but he had this cute frown on his face. That I wanted to stare at all day. Another Greek God came and stood beside him with a frown on his face as well, but he was a little different than the first one.

He was more on the lean side, and he had a little mark on his nose instead of on his cheeks like the other man. Both of them looked like they stepped out of a fantasy world that I would definitely go to if they were there. I was in a trance, they were sexy as fuck, and I definitely want a taste.

Both of them had crystal blue eyes almost making them look blind. The differences in the two the long haired one had a dangerous glint in them that made me shudder. The short haired has a playful look in his that made me want to smile. Their hair was white as snow, and it looked so soft that I wanted to run my hair through it.

"Human is there something wrong?" The one with the mark across his nose asked with his head tilted to the left.

"No, I'm not hurt and why do you keep calling me a human?" I asked confused at the way they spoke.

"Is that not what you are? a human?" The first asked still frowning.

"Well technologically yes I am human, but you are talking as if you aren't a human," I said putting my hand on my hips and cocking my head to the side.

"That's because we aren't human. Are you sure he didn't hit you?" The second one asks with a smile on his face.

"I'm sure and what do you mean you aren't human," I said taking a cautious step back.

"As we said we are not human" He shrugged.

"Okay, whatever you say but I would lay off the alcohol. Bye," I said turning around and heading out the door.

"Human you have to come with us" They called out.

I was already out the door not paying attention to what they are yelling behind me. I got to my electric blue Kia soul, got in, and headed home. I pulled into my cottage-style home and got out. I walk up to my door but I jump in fright because the two men from earlier were standing at my door.

I let out a shriek and ran back to my car. I wasn't fixing to be dumb and ask them why they were there. I hit the unlock button on my key fab. As I was hurriedly trying to open the door I was pulled back. I hit one of their chests with an oof.

I fought against them twisting every which way trying to make them lose their grip but they were resilient. I tried to head butt them but all I hit was a hard-ass chest making the part I hit instantly sore.

I felt someone's hand in my hair rubbing the sore spot making me moan. It felt so good that I close my eyes briefly before remembering that I am being kidnapped by two sexy ass men. I pulled my head away from his hand and started to yell for help but I knew no one was going to hear me. I lived in a secluded area surrounded by woods and my nearest neighbor is 15 minutes up the road.

"Mate calm down. We are not going to hurt you"

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down you limp dick bitch. How about you put me the fuck down" I yelled twisting some more.

"Sorry love. No can do."

That is the last thing I heard before they put something under my nose that smelled like flowers. I went limp. I fought to keep my eyes open, but I quickly was losing the battle. Before my eyes could fully close, I made sure to remind myself to whoop their ass when I woke up.


Enjoy! Well, this is the start of the second book of the alien mate series. 

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