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It has been a whole day, and I still haven't found any clues on where my stela is or who took her. I am going crazy not finding her and I have killed at least five people and I do not care. They deserved it. They have not given me anything to work with when I ask for any details on who took her. All they could tell me is that they found a guard unconscious on the floor outside of her room.

I had anxiously waited for him to come to so that I could question him. But all he could tell me is that another guard took her, and they can't find out who it was. It made me feel responsible for her kidnapping because if I could have control my grige I would have been able to stop them from taking her.

My grige is quiet because he knows it is our fault that she been abducted. If he had just controlled our emotions then our stela would have been here with us. But a king could even control himself how can I run a kingdom when I can't even protect someone who lives with me. She is by my side most of the time and I couldn't tell that she was in danger.

Our goddess had to tell her that she was in danger. Her own mates could even figure out that she was in danger and when she told us we could not even hold ourselves together long enough to protect her. We call ourselves her mates and we have failed at the one thing that mates are supposed to do, and it was to simply protect her with our lives. Now possibly could be injured or worse dead.

I slam my fist into the desk in anger causing it break. I watch as the files on my desk crashes down onto the ground, scatter all over the place just like my life. I should have left her on Earth, but I was so fucking selfish that I just had to have her. She was mine and no one was going to stop her from being mine. That was the only thing I thought about when I took her and now I brought her into my mess and she possibly could be hurt.

I stood there in my office with Eerni and Eetri who looks a mess. Eetri could not be still. His leg bounced up and down and he had a frown on his face. I have never seen him frown or even be upset. Eerni has had a permanent scowl one his face since we came up from the prison. He is usually indifferent to a lot of things and shows no emotion. Having Alexia gone has brought out sides of us that we have not seen before.

I stepped over the fallen desk and walked out of the door with Eerni and Eetri following me. They have been like my shadow since we left the prison. I do not know if it is they are scared something is going to happen to me or they are afraid I will do something to someone. But they refuse to leave myself side not even for a ren.

I walked into my room and laid on the bed with them laying on each side of me. We laid in silence. It felt empty without having our stela telling me off or us trying to make her like us. We did not realize that we spent most of our time trying to please her and now we do not know what to do with ourselves. I hate just sitting her hoping that a clue will fall out of the sky. I felt pathetic and useless as a mate and a king.

The night has fallen upon us as we still lay in bed. None of us has gotten an ounce of sleep since we laid down spans ago. The room was silent and all you could hear was our heavy breathing. The servants pass by in the hallway no have the enough courage to stop and check on us.

"Eesni" a voice said sounding like my Stella ranged through my head. I snapped up and looked around the hoping to see her, but she was not there. Her voice echoed so loudly in my head that I knew that I had to be going crazy or she had just linked me. The ache in my heart intensified at the sound of her voice. It sounded so weak, and it caused me pain that I could not take away hers.

"Stella" I could feel a weak connection that wasn't there before. I thought about linking with Alexia by imagining that connection becoming strong. There was a buzz in my head that I have never felt before as the link got stronger. The buzzing got louder then it went completely silent.

"Alexia!" I frantically called out hoping that I had connected to her.

"Alexia answer me ! Alexia I heard you please respond to me" I called out as my heart raced in my chest.

I grabbed my head in pain from the loud buzzing in my head. I did not know what to do I have never had this happen to be before. As I held my head in pain I heard a weak voice say my name weakly again. I tried to for us on the link making it stronger making the noise die down again. I heard the voice again but more clearly; it was my Stella.

"Alexia can you hear me" I called out with hope.

"Eesni? Is that you Eesni?' She questions her voice sounding like she was in pain.

"Yes it is me Alexia. Where are you?" I asked. My chest ached because she was in pain and there was nothing I could do about it.

"I don't know Eesni, but I'm scared. I need your help can you please hurry" She pleaded sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

I couldn't stand hearing her sounding so weak and scared. It wasn't like her to be this weak, so I knew that we had to hurry up and find out who has her. She could not take any more pain and it was already changing her. I needed to find her quickly before whoever it is do any more damage.


Enjoy! it is sort of a filler chapter but more it to come.

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