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I was really worried about Alexia that I didn't want to leave but we had to give her space. We walked silently down the hallway lost in our own thoughts. today was the day that Alexia was going to be introduced to our families but I down think she is ready. We all went into Eesni's office. I plopped down on the nearest seat as Eesni leaned up against his desk while Eerni took a seat beside me.

"what are we going to do about her illness?" I asked breaking the tension in the room.

You could feel the dark cloud that is clouding the room. It felt like it was sucking out all of the air.   The I felt helpless and I have no clue on how to fix it. I was the type of person who knew what they wanted. I knew how to solve all of the problems that Ishgna threw my way. Alexia is a beautiful problem that I just can't solve. She is everything we have hope for and everything that will break us. I was ready for the storm that our little mate will reek on Thren but I just hope we don't take her out before we can see it.

"I do not know. I never had this experience" Eerni sighed as he propped his head on one of his arms.

"It seems like we are the cause of her illness" Eesni grounded out through clenched teeth making his jaw sharper than it was.

The thought of us making her sick made me scowl in disgust. We were the ones who was suppose to protect her but now we are causing her harm. We have the most advance medical equipment and we can't even cure her. We have no clue on what is happening to her but I know that I have never seen her symptoms before.

"Today is suppose to be the day she meets our parents but now I do not think she can" I said frowning.

They were too lost in their thoughts to respond to me. My parents are so excited to meet our Stela. She has always wanted scions but unfortunately her dream was possible until recently. When we had announced that we had found our stela she cried and fell into my fathers arms. To say the least she is very dramatic but I can't lie I'm very excited to have our scions running through the palace.

When I see other fathers with their scions on their shoulders and stela walking around happily. Jealous creeps up on me and I can't help but anger and sadness because I thought we would never have what everyone else had. My chest pained every time a season passed and we still haven't found our mate. When we found her I felt like actually be a true Drinzo who's purpose is to protect their scions and stela.

I could see it now, Alexia belly full and round with our Scion as we fuss over her. We would make sure that all her needs are met while she is nesting our young. If her nesting is like Queen of Zyka's then she will do that cute little waddle that the queen did when she grew bigger. I smiled picturing our stela waddling through the palace. I couldn't wait to fill her with our seed, the quicker the better.

I heard the soft patter of stela feet hit the floor. I knew she would be lost because I doubt that she was paying attention the day that we showed her around the palace. I got up and followed the intoxicating smell of hers that makes me want to take her the moment I see her. I desperately wanted to taste the sweet nectar of her that is nestle between her luscious thighs. The thought of me on my knees with my mouth on her mound as she quivers from the pleasure that I am giving her makes me instantly hard. 

I found our stela looking at the portraits of the pass king and queens. i stop in my tracks and admire the beauty that she is. Her head was slightly inclined and she had three wrinkles in the middle of her brows as she studied the portraits. She rocked slightly from side to side as she bit her bottom lip. I wanted to pull her lip from in between her teeth and gently suck on her plump lips until they were sore and swollen. 

 She had on a dark green silk wrap dress with gold flower embroidery that across her midsection ran up between her chest making them sick out more. The dress hug the upper part of her body accentuated her hips then flowed down her legs hiding the rest of her from me. The gold embroidery on her collar and her sleeves brought casted a warm glow on her skin from the light outside light spilling in. She lit up the halls with her beauty that was meant to glorify the pass kings and queens. 

Whoever pass through the halls wouldn't be able to keep their eyes off of her because she fill up the halls with her beauty. I got mad thinking about the male servants staring our stela making me stop admiring our mate. I went up to her and tapped her on her shoulder because I didn't want to scare her. She has finally gotten the courage to adventure outside her room and I didn't want to scare her back into her room. She turned and looked up at me slightly smiley at me making my hearts swell with pride. 

"Alexia , you are absolutely stunning" I said picking her hand up and kissing it. 

"Thank You" she said shyly ducking her head down as I kissed her hand. 

I didn't know our mate could be shy due to our first meeting. She was very outspoken as she cussed at us. As I recalled her called Eesni a limp dick bitch now here she is shy from something as simple as me kissing her hand in greeting. I never know what to expect from our stela, one ren she is a spitfire then the next ren she is meek. I wondered what other moods she will show us. 

"Are you ready to meet our parents?" I asked smiling down at her. I hoped she would be willing to meet our parents. But I see the panic slowly creep into her eyes. I could feel my hopes slowly drain out of me. I want her to meet our parents but I also didn't want to force her to do anything she didn't want to do. 

"You do not have to if you do not want to" I said dispirited.


Sorry for the long wait you guys. School was kicking my butt. I had at least three papers due every Sunday and I couldn't get any free time to write. I hope you guys like this chapter. Its sort of a filler chapter but I will start to pick up again.

 Are we liking the guys so far? Tell me what you think!

ren= minutes

season- year

Aliens Mate: ThrenWhere stories live. Discover now