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It was all I could get out because I didn't know what was wrong with her. I don't know if she fell asleep on the ground but something is telling me that is not the answer. I stroked her head in comfort causing her to stir but not awake. I took the time to calm myself down as I admired her beautiful face.

She was so beautiful. I grazed my finger across her round golden cheeks that I itched to rub my face across. I counted the little black spots under her eye. There were a total of five. Two under her right eye and three on her left. They were unique and made her skin pop even more.

I didn't know what they were but I knew that she looked absolutely stunning with them. I stroked her plump lips. They looked so sweet and ripe that I had to stop myself from tasting them. Even though I eagerly wanted to know if they tasted as good as they looked. 

I went back to stroking her head and took in the time that we had alone because Eerni and Eesni were almost here. She began to stir awake, making me backup to give her some space. Eesni and Eerni burst into the room and rushed over to her. 

She suddenly swung her arms and legs before letting them fall onto the bed. I was concerned that she had hit her head because she is doing a lot of sporadic moving and making weird sounds.

"I don't think she is okay. She is making those weird noises and it looks like she is in pain from the way her face is contorted up'' I said frowning.

I shot the guys a worried look because queen Kayla didn't tell us anything about human illnesses. I scanned her to see if I could see any visible injuries but her skin was just as perfect as it was before.

"Do you think she is hurt-

Alexia quickly cut him off by saying she was fine but I was having a hard time believing her. I was just the only one because both Eesni and Eerni looked troubled.

"I heard a crash as I was on the way to your room. I rushed into your room to see you on the floor and the kentle broken on the floor" I said.

"What is a kentle?" She questioned.

"It's a device that cleans the air. We didn't know if you were sensitive to our air so we got that to make sure that you would be okay" I said as I went to get the kentle.

I really hope that it didn't make her sick because I was the one who suggested that we get her one for her room. I couldn't live with myself if i was the one that had got her sick. I was suppose to keep her safe, not be the one who cause her harm.

I placed the kentle down beside the bed to see if it was making her sick but she didn't have any reaction to it. She suddenly started smiling and it was the most stunning smile I had ever seen. When she smiled it lit up her whole face and I knew i would do whatever it takes to keep her smiling. 

My grige urged me to mate our stella but I refuse to give in. I wasn't the only one who grige was trying to take control. Eerni and Eesni muscle were tense and their back were straight. I could hear them purring with need. I took a lung full of her scent hoping that it would calm me down. The last thing she needed was three grige mode drinzos' pouncing on her.

"She is so beautiful" Eerni linked

"I will do anything to keep her smiling," I replied.

"Her smile looks like the morning sun that greets you when you wake. I would gladly stay up for eternity if it meant that I would be blessed with her bright smile." Eesni linked as he smiled at her. 

"We have to do whatever it takes in order for her to stay with us. I cannot lose our stella. I wouldn't be able to go on without her now that she is in arms reach. We owe her our lives since we took hers away" Eerni linked.

I felt a sense of urgency but also admiration passed through our link. We all looked back at our mate who was looking at us with curiosity and resentment. She was having a battle between wanting to know us and despising us from taking her away from her home.

 We had to make her see that she is meant to be with us. Deep down I think she already feels that she is ours and we are hers. But the thought of her liking us after we kidnapped her is weighing on her mind. So we just had to do everything in our power and pray to Igshna to make her stay with us. 


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this filler chapter. 

Igshna is the goddess that helps them find their mate. As you know they went to the Igshna tree to find their halas so that is who they pray to. 

Let me know how you like it so far and what is confusing i will find ways to address these issues. 


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