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Earlier when I had asked her did she have anything else to tells us, her heartbeat accelerated as she tore her eyes away from mine. I knew that she was hiding something from us. I wasn't going to stop until I figure out what our beautiful little human was hiding. Our little mate really thought that I couldn't hear her planning her escape. I think sometimes she fails to realize that we are far more superior than humans. I listen as she told the doctor that she was going with him as he protested. Seeing her shuffle across the floor behind the doctor made me chuckle a little because she was not very stealthy with her escape.

"Our mate is cute" Eetri linked, failing to hide the smirk on his face.

"She really thinks that we can't see her" Eerni linked, watching her shuffle behind the doctor.

"I do not like the way she is holding on to the doctor" I linked, glaring at her fingers lightly glaze his back with each movement they made.

It made me want to kill the doctor for having the privilege of our queen touch. I have not even had felt her touch wiling and now he gets to feel her. It made my grige try to surface again. Seeing as she is almost to the door I looked up at her, catching her eye. Before I could say anything she was out of the door. Her fleeing made me excited. The doctor stood in the floor frozen looking back in forth from me to the door. I nodded my head for him to leave making him rush out of the door. We were hunters and her running away from me made me want to chase her.

Usually, we will have a hunting ritual for our stela. It was to stake claim over our stela to warn others that she was ours and to show her that we were worthy of being her mates. If we did not catch our stela within a thirty rens or a span we were deem unworthy and any unmated man could fight us for her. It is usually done in the part of the forest that was clear of harmful animals and it was solely for the hunting ritual. I sat in my seat a minute longer trying to stop my grige from coming through because I didn't know what he would do to her if I let him loose. I shook as I fought against him, and he tried to claw his way to the surface.

We had all sat there for a moment trying to calm ourselves down before we went after out mate. She didn't know she was playing a dangerous game and it was taking very thing in our power to not hunt her and rut her on the spot. I desperately wanted to feel her wet tight snatch on my cock as I rut her feeling all her juice run down my cock. We all got up to find our mate who has run off to who knows where.

We race down the hallway trying to find our mate Her scent waffles throw the halls telling us exactly which direction she went. She would never be able to find from us. Her scent alone will give her way every time. Her lavrick and hurn was like a beacon calling us to devour it and devour is what I will do when we have fully accepted us. For now, her scent will have to suffice until I could have her delicious nectar that resides between her luscious thighs.

We followed her all the way to her room to her in the bath. The steam from the bath made her scent stronger as I walked closer to her. We stood int the doorway looking at her. She was beautiful. The water cascaded down her back washing away the remains of soap. I watch as the soap falls down her back before disappearing into the water, kind of jealous that it could feel her supple skin and I couldn't. There was a marking that she didn't have before on her back. It looks like a tree at the top of her back, its leaves had a slight glow to it making it look like it was swaying in the wind. I had never seen anything like it. It was red and puffy around the marking meaning it was recently put there. I stared at it longer as it shifted every time she moves to run the washcloth over her brown skin.

I reached my hand out and traced their marking. A shiver ran down her spine from my touch. I noticed that she didn't move away like she usually would this made my grige very happy. Excitement curse through my body. She is finally starting to accept us. Stepping away from her, going into her room with Eetri and Eerni following me. I allowed her to finish her bath. She excited the bath with a towel wrapped around her outlining her curves that I would love to see. I watched her as she walked into the closet, my eyes not leaving her for a second. She walked out of her closet and sat down on the bed facing us.

"I think now good time stela to tell us what really happen" I said looking at her.

"I don't know what you are talking about" she answered looking everywhere but at us.

" Stela there is a strange marking on your back" I said sitting back against the chair looking her in her eyes.

"And you have been avoiding us every time we asked you what happen" Eerni chimed in.

"There is no mark on my back and like said it everything is fine."

Getting fed up with her antics I went up to her grabbing her face making her look at me. "I am not in the mood Stela it would be of your best interest to tell us what happen" I said with a firm grip on her face.

I was not going to hurt her, but I was going to make her see that I was not playing. Her safety comes first, and her withholding information is making my patience wear thin. I have been patient and nice to her since she woken up but her lying to me is not something I take lightly. My grige for some has been on high alert and it is making me anxious. I cannot stand the feeling of not knowing what is going on and I feel like Alexia has the answers. 


Enjoy you guys. I had totally forgot to post the chapter on Sunday. I have been done with it since Thursday. I have been preparing my clients and I for court and it had slip my mind to post this chapter. I will make sure I set a schedule for an update.

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