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The man came towards me as I scooted back. I didn't want anything to do with him. He came over and snatched me off the floor placing me in the chair the previous man was sitting in. "Can you please let me go. I will tell king Eesni that you helped me escaped" I pleaded looking up at the expressionless man.

He paid me no attention. He threw me in the chair and tied up my legs and hand with chains. I tried to twist my arms so he wouldn't be able to tie them, but he was way stronger than me. I called after him as he walked to the door, but we only ignored be and left out of the door. I looked around the room to see where I was. The room looks like a dungeon. There were no windows, and the only source of light were some things that resemble candles that looked like they were fixing to go out.

The place was covered in dust and looks like I haven't been used in years. There was only a chair that I was sitting on and a small table in the door. There were no signs of a restroom and no place to sleep. I didn't know who long I had been here, but I hope that they had some way of finding me. All the hell that I gave them I wouldn't be surprised that they didn't come find me.

I never accepted to be their stela and I never really gave them a chance to get close to me. Regret crept up my back as I thought of all the time I wasted not getting to know them. Because they tried to make me as comfortable as possible, and I wasn't making any effort. I hope they took that mate thing seriously so that maybe I had a chance of them trying to find me.

I sat for what felt like hours. I had no clue if it was day or night or how long I had been here. The candle things had started going out one by one. The light in the room faded slowly making my anxiety build up with it. I wasn't afraid of the dark. It was the fact that I didn't know where I was and what would happen to me in the dark. I prayed that the last two candles would last until they came back. My payer was quickly declined as one of the candles suddenly went our leaving only one with a faint glow.

I was alone and I had no way for getting out. I didn't know how to pick locks and I didn't even have anything to pick it with. The only thing I could hear was my stomach growling. I heard no footsteps outside of the door making me assume that I was completely alone. I suddenly had the urge to pee, and I had no way of relieving myself.

I refuse to pee on myself and have me smelling like piss the whole time. I was sure that my lovely captures could care less about me and wasn't going to give me any spare clothes. Hell, they might not even give me food so wishing for clothes was pushing it. The last candle finally went out leaving me completely in the dark. I let out a sigh. All I could do is wait for the whatever or whoever came next.

I felt my head get heavy as I waited. I tried to fight sleep, but I quickly was losing. My slowly shut and I was off to sleep. I woke up in a familiar place again. The throne was empty this time and the goddess was nowhere in sight. I called out to her, but she didn't answer. I turned around to see if I could see her but all I saw was white that looked like it went in for miles. I couldn't tell where it started, and I stopped.

I decided to wait for her obviously she called me here for something and it wasn't like I had anywhere to. go. I sat on the floor and closed my eyes and sat in silence. My face was still swollen, and my head still throb. This mean that I was very much still alive, and I just was sleeping.

"Alexia" A calming voice called out.

I opened my eyes to see their goddess sitting on her throne. She looked the same and as beautiful as before. There was no hair out of place and not visible wrinkles on her clothes. She was perfect and it made me a little self-conscious of my looks. To her I probably looked like I got ran over and beat over a head with a stick.

"Goddess" I replied, opening both of my eyes to look at her.

"Ishgna" She replied smiling at me.

"I don't know what that is?" I said in confusion I have never heard that word before.

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