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We showed Alexia around. Every so often I would look back to see her in awe at different things. She was easily amused and I loved it. She looked around and paid close attention to every detail. We explained the different artifacts and their meaning as she nodded in understanding.

We decided to take her to the royal garden last because I thought she would enjoy that more. I was right. She stopped at every flower and examined it. We let her look in silence even if we said anything I doubt she would answer.

I get that she was still upset with us and if i was her i would be too. I mean I was still upset with them for taking her but I also was grateful that she was here. Now that she is with us i couldn't let her go and i would do anything for her to stay.

Eetri asked her if she liked flowers knowing that she did. Anyone with eyes could see that she loved flowers and I loved that for her. Maybe it could ease some of the stress that she was feeling since she had a place that she loved.

I observed her as Eetri explained to her what type of flower she was looking at. She was so beautiful. She scrunched up her nose and bit her lip when she was listening intensely to something. There was a sparkle in her eye as she looked at the different flowers.

It was like there was no one around. It was just her and the flowers. I smiled to myself as she smiled at the flowers. She reached out and touched the Erusia but quickly withdrew her hand. I frowned concerned that she was allergic to the flowers but was shocked at what I saw.

I always heard the elders talking about how the Erusia flower chooses the sacred one. It would be the person who would save Thren from a disaster. No one knows what the disaster entailed but it is said that they would sacrifice themselves for the greater good, our people. I instantly got sick thinking about her sacrificing herself for us. I would rather die than let any harm come to her.

"We can't tell anyone about this" I linked them in a panic.

"I agree. I refuse to have our mate sacrificed because of some silly prophecy." Eesni linked.

"It's not fair to her. she didn't even want to come with us. Adding something like this will be bad for not only her but us as well." Eetri said frowning.

"Okay, since we all agree we won't tell anyone and keep it between ourselves" I said looking at them.

"Agreed" they answered together.

"Guys do you not hear me talking to you? Is there something wrong with me?" Alexia snapped.

"Nothing is wrong Stela. It just means that you are the right choice for us" I said, smiling at her.

"Your reaction doesn't look like the right choice" She said, placing her hand on her hip.

"It's true Alexia. It just means you are someone we should dear to us." Eetri said.

"Whatever you guys say. But if I find out you guys are lying to me I will never forgive you" She said sternly as she walked away.

Giving each other one last confirmation we walked behind her as she continued to explore. After we showed her everything she had gotten tired so we took her to her room. We so badly wanted to share a room with her but we knew she needed all the space she could get right now.

Eetri left to fulfill his kingly duties, Eetri scurried off to who knows where and I went to train. I could get our stela out of my head and everyone else could see it. People were landing hits on me who could never in this lifetime do if I was focused. I was worried that people were going to find out about her being the chosen one.

It made my heart drop to my stomach thinking about all the trials that she would have to go through just to end up being killed. I let out a growl thinking about someone harming our stela. I would wreak havoc all over Thren until i found out who hurt her.

Getting frustrated, I sent everyone away and headed to my favorite spot. The cave that hid behind a waterfall. The waterfall lit up with different color hues that reflected into the cave. It was so peaceful here i laid down on the makeshift bed I made out of fallen branches and a mountain of blankets for cushion. 

The cool breeze the waterfall created brushed over me as I thought about how my life has changed in an instant. I wake up one day longing for our stela then the next she is in arms reach. I gave up hope of finding our stela and i was kind of upset that we have found her but she is a human.

Not saying that I am upset that she is a human, I just know that she is going to have a hard time adjusting to our culture. I knew that others might have a hard time getting us to have a human as a queen, not that i cared what people thought.

It didn't help that Eesni and Eetri kidnapped her but also she is destined to be the one that saved us. I wasn't into the whole superstition thing but now that our beloved is involved I have no choice than to be. The elders took the prophecy too seriously and I knew that Alexia is going to be in danger when they find out.

As I thought about how we were finally complete now that our stela has arrived. It drew a small onto my face thinking about the beauty that is occupying the room next to ours. The sound of the waterfall and nature rested my aching mind as it lulled me to sleep with the cool breeze brushing my skin. 

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