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When I went to my room I suddenly couldn't breathe. I clawed at my chest because my shirt was suffocating me. Tears started falling out of my eyes and I tried to grab a hold of something. Finding nothing I crumpled to my knees as every piece of air escaped my body. I looked around frantically trying to find something but I didn't know what it was. I needed air but I just couldn't get it. I counted to one hundred but that didn't work. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest that desperately wanted me dead. They just might succeed, I thought as spots started to cloud my vision.

Everything was overwhelming me and I wanted to leave but I didn't know where. I staggered to get up. I used the table to wretch myself up but my balance isn't the best. I didn't have enough strength to support my body, making me tilt over. As I fell I knocked my foot into the table. My back hit the arm of the chair knocking out the little air I did have as I hit the floor hard. I groaned as I rolled over, laying my head on the ground as I surrendered to the darkness. But not before hearing something crash to the ground.

I felt someone rubbing my head as I woke up. I cracked one eye open but immediately closed it due to the slight stinging sensation. I moan at the sluggish feeling in my body. I don't remember what happened. Who is touching me? I don't remember getting drunk enough for me to black out. I slowly opened my eyes to see something orange all in my face. I leaned my head back to get my eyes to focus my blurry vision.

"Okay you okay?" a concerned voice said but i couldn't recognize the voice.

I blinked rapidly to get my vision to clear. The blurry orange thing slowly turned into a handsome orange face making me scream. I pushed him away and I backed into the mountain of pillows that surrounded me. He reached his hand out to me but I slapped it away. Two more men buss into the room and rush over to me. That is when everything came rushing back. 

I went out for a drink, got kidnapped by sexy aliens and had a panic attack. I groaned and slid down into the pillows. I threw my hands over my eyes, aggravated. I really hoped that I was reading a book and got too into the plot. I hoped that I was going to wake up to check my bank account to see that the Johnson's check had been posted. So that I could splurge a little with some retail therapy that I terribly deserve. Then fill my house up with groceries and relax for the weekend until my next appointment on Monday. 

I swing my arms and kick my legs in frustration before I let them plop back onto the bed. All of the sluggishness in my body was filled up with anger in an instant. I can't believe a bad bitch like me done let these men get a one up on me. I was supposed to be a step ahead every time. No man has ever played me like a fool. I always knew what they were going to do before they knew what they were going to do. Granted I never thought any of them would kidnap me. I was too big to be kidnapped well that is what i thought until these assholes had shown me otherwise.

I guess you could still say no human has ever got one up on me because these jackasses were anything but human. From their tall stature, white hair and orange skin that was so beautiful that you wish to know what it tastes like. I frowned at the crazy ass thought that invaded my innocent mind. I let out a snort at being innocent because I was far from innocent. 

"I don't think she is okay. She is making those weird noises and it looks like she is in pain from the way her face is contorted up" Eetri said, frowning at me.

"Do you think she hurt -

"I'm fine" I said, cutting off Eerni who moved closer to my side. 

"I heard a crash as I was on the way to your room. I rushed into your room to see you on the floor and the kentle broken on the floor" Eetri said.

"What is a kentle?" I questioned.

"It's a device that cleans the air. We didn't know if you were sensitive to our air so we got that to make sure that you would be okay" Eetri said as he got up to pick the kentle off of the floor.

For a second I was happy that they put that much attention into me. No one has ever paid that much attention to me besides my grandma. Grandma Glenda passed away two years ago from cancer. I miss her so freaking much. If there is one person who would know what to do in this situation it would be her.

I could see her now she would be giving these aliens a ear full about manners. She would say what in their god given mind would possess them to take her baby. Only the good lord could take her baby and he bet not take me without her saying so. I smiled as I remembered her telling off the preacher because he said the lord told him to increase tithes. She told him it ain't nothing but the devil trying to tempt him and the lord told her that they were just fine where they were at. If the lord really wanted the tithes to increase then he was going to have to show up at the church in person to tell her that.

She wasn't giving nan nother red cent to him and if Jesus was going to keep her out of heaven for that she would gladly go to hell. She said that in front of the whole Mount Hill Baptist church congregation. The preacher couldn't do anything but nod his head. He never spoke about increasing the tithes again after that and a few months after he moved churches. 


Enjoy you guys !! 

its sort a filler chapter but more is to come.

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