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Eesni is pissing me off. Who does he think he is talking to me like he is crazy? One thing they all better realize is that just because I am their captive doesn't mean that I have to put up with their bullshit. I had enough putting up with it on earth I damn sure wasn't putting up with on an alien planet.

"Alexia?" Eesni called out but I ignored him.

I didn't want to talk to anyone right now especially dumb ass Eesni. Hearing him talk really makes my ass itch and it's taking everything in me to not throw this drink in his face. I hoped with me not responding to him he would take the hint but it seems like it isn't working.


"Please leave me alone. I don't want to talk if you haven't gotten the hint" I snapped.

"Alexia, what's wrong?" Eetri asked.

"All of you are getting on my nerves. I'm hungry and I'm trying to eat. But I can't because y'all keep talking to me. Frankly I don't want to talk to you all right now" I said, giving them a stern look before continuing to eat my food.

They looked shocked but I didn't care. I was trying to eat and they just wouldn't shut up. I know that I was a little harsh to them but it was warranted. They did kidnap me and brought me to not just a foreign place but a whole fucking new planet.

Like who does that? When humans get kidnapped they usually will be in the same vicinity from where they were taken. But that's not always the case but still their kidnappers didn't take them to a whole new planet. Maybe a county, country, or state it's never a planet. Thinking about it is just making me upset all over again. They sat in silence while I finished my food.

"Alexia are you done?" Eerni asked.

"Yes," I answered, keeping it short.

I watched as he took my dishes to the kitchen. I finally looked around the room now that my stomach wasn't trying to eat itself. The whole place screamed rich. There were heavy colorful decorated drapes that lined the walls. Some had jewelry hanging from them that if you were from where I was they would be swiped quickly.

People always think Alabama is a sweet state and nothing happens there but that was far from the truth. Especially where I was from if you leave your shit outside there is no guarantee that it's going to be there in the morning. If a crackhead sees something worth taking it's gone.

Pray that someone will recognize it's yours and they give you a call if not then charge it to the game. All you can do is take that loss or hope you can find them selling it on the corner to buy it back. They weren't going to give it to you for free even if you say you caught them.

As we sat in silence I took the time to really look at them. Their skin was an orange color that light bounced off of. Their eyes were crystal blue that looked like they could see all of your deepest secrets. Their eyes were so intense that it took your breath away. Their physics was something that every model tried to achieve.

It was slim but define it looked like you could cut yourself at how sharp and define their muslces were. If they hadn't kidnapped me I might have given them a chance, all three of them. There wasn't anything wrong with sharing every once and a while. My mother always told me you can never have too many eggs in your basket.

The eggs sure did look delectable and good to eat despite them being foreign. I looked at the markings on them not wanting to get caught ogling their bodies. They were very unique and it fit them. Their ears were the cutest thing I have ever seen.

They were pointy and reminded me of elves or fae ears sorta like tinkerbell. Of course they would be males and way taller than the ones you see on tv. They flicker every so often that I don't think they realize that they are moving.

"Stela would you like to look around?" Eerni asked

I tore my eyes from their bodies and nodded my head at him as I stood up. He held out his hand for me to take but I did not reach to grab it. I still didn't know them well enough to and I didnt want to show PDA with them. I only hold people's hands that I knew and liked and I didn't know them or liked them.

As we walked through the halls Eerni walked in front and the other two walked behind me. I didn't like that they had boxed me in because I felt like a cow that was getting escorted to the slaughter house. Even though they said they were showing me around they still made me anxious.

We walked through the winding hallways taking different turns that I couldn't remember. I tried to memorize the layout but the halls seemed to go on forever and there were so many turns. We visited the throne room, the banquet hall, and lastly the garden.

But I wouldn't call it a garden; it's more a majestic forest. It was filled with purple and bluish trees that have big leaves with pink flowers. They were so big and that light barely passed through. I was in awe at the different plant life. If we had the types of plants people would pay good money to have them.

I studied every flower that I saw making them stop every five minutes. I loved plants. My house was full of different types of plants that I paid good money for. It made me sad that they were going to die because they had become my babies. There wasn't a day that I would go without talking to my plants.

Sometimes I felt like when I talked to them that they talked back. My mother always talked to our plants growing up before she died. She said that it helps them grow better and I believed her. Being one with nature was something that my mother valued and so do I. 

Do you like flowers, Alexia?" Eetri asked, walking up beside me.

I nodded my head and continued to look at the electric blue flower that had white spots on them. I really wanted to touch it but I didn't know what was poisonous or what wasn't. I was really beautiful and most things that are beautiful are dangerous. Take Eetri and them for example. They were beautiful but dangerous.

"These flowers are called Erusia. They are flowers that are used for mating rituals. We use them for marking the couple with spell. The flowers are luminescent and when the couple officially join their markings light up." Eetri explained picking one and placing it in my hair.

I watched as a new flower bloomed in the same place that he picked it from. I watched as it grew from a sprout into an adult flower. Seeing that it wasn't poisonous I ran my hand over the newly grown flower causing it to glow. I snatched my hand back looking at it then looking at Eetri in confusion.

"Why did it start glowing?" I asked because I was worried that something happened to me. 

"It did, what?" Eerni asked, stepping closer to me.

He grabbed my hand and placed it back on the flower making it glow. He took off and placed it back on there and it was the same result. I looked at my hand worried because all of them had a shocked expression on their faces.

I wiped my hand off in case it was something bad. But I knew it was too late because I had touched the damn thing three times already. If it was something bad I was screwed. I watched as they faced each other making all sorts of faces. If I didn't know any better I would say that they were talking to each other but they weren't speaking. 

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