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I have never seen Eerni so upset with us before. He is the laid-back type of guy. He never gets mad at us for any of the crazy stuff we do. So, seeing him upset made me realize we really messed up this time. I knew that it looks bad that we kidnapped our Stela but we couldn't just leave her there.

We also couldn't stay on Earth for long because we couldn't risk being found discovered. So, our only options were to take her with us. I admit it could have gone more smoothly but we had to work with what we had.

She was fighting us and wouldn't hear out anything we were saying. Now she is with us seeing us fight in front of her. I didn't want her to see us mad at each other. I didn't want it to seem like we aren't committed to each other and her.

"We don't have time to be arguing. We have to fix her hand" I said picking up Alexia to bring her to the medical room.

She squirmed in my arms. I playfully hit her bottom to make her be still. I was afraid that she would injure her hand more if she wasn't careful. She left out a squeak and then glared up at me. She was so enchanting when she is mad that I couldn't take her seriously. When she is mad, she demands your attention but also it makes me yearn for her.

"Be still Stela, you are going to hurt your hand" I said looking down at her.

"I'm not going to do anything put me down." She said still glaring at me.

"What if I don't put you down? What are you going to do?" I challenged her.

"I'm going to beat your ass," she said smugly.

It was funny that she thinks she really has the upper hand here. She still hasn't learned that every time she attacks us, she ends up hurting herself. She sure is feisty. I will never be bored with her around. She is going to keep us on our toes and run all over us. I can't wait.

"Did you hear me?" She snapped at my lack of an answer.

"Yes, my love I heard you, but you really need to refrain from hitting us. I'm worried you are going to take trips every day to the medical room" I said with disdain.

"That's for me to worry about and you to find out if you don't put me down" she rebuttal still trying to escape out of my hold.

There was no use in arguing with her because she was going to always get the last word. Not that I minded because her voice was powerful and angelic. I wouldn't mind hearing her speak or moan all day long.

We got to the medical room, and I deposited her on the bed. It automatically examined her body I looked over the results and it wasn't as bad as I thought. She only sprained her wrist. It would take at most a week to heal. As I pulled out the material to wrap her wrist with, I looked over at her.

Alexia was looking around the room in awe and curiosity. She was so fucking adorable. She reached out to touch some of the medical equipment making it beep causing her to jump. I quickly look away as she turned to see if I saw her. I look out the corner of my eye at her as she nodded her head in the assurance that she wasn't spotted.

I gathered all of the things I needed and sat them beside her on the medical table. I looked down at her as I grabbed her wrist. She frowned looking at her wrist then trailed her eyes up my body stopping at my lips. She unconsciously licked her lips with a hunger looking in her eyes and she definitely wasn't craving any food.

I smirk making her immediately look away from my lips. I reached over for the wrap brushing against her cheek causing her breath to slightly hitch. I watched as her mounds rise and fall rapidly as her breath quickens.

"What's wrong love?" I teased knowing that we had an effect on her as much as she had one on us.

"Nothing is wrong with me. Hurry up and finish" She retorted looking anywhere but at me.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Your breath had quickened" I chastised to see how she would respond.

"Shut the fuck up and finish. I just suddenly got cold" she said scowling at me.

"Okay, Alexia whatever you say. Do you want a covering?" I asked.

"What is a covering," she said scrunching up her nose.

I don't know what humans call coverings so I went to the storage compartment and got her one. I already knew she was cold even if she use that as an excuse. I draped the covering over her as she snuggled up to it. I finished wrapping her wrist and then picked her up to carry her to the kitchen.

She didn't really eat when we were on Earth and she passed out so she didn't get to eat anything. As I carried her to the kitchen she didn't protest making me happy. That means she is getting used to our physical contact.

Drinzos were affectionate beings. We didn't discriminate on who we love hence why we have a Stela and halas. We are bound to share our love with whoever we wanted but most just stuck to their halas and stela. But you did have some that have an open nest and didn't mind accepting others.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked looking around.

"We are going to the kitchen to feed you" I answered.

We were walking through the halls and they were lined up with glistening jewelry and exotic paintings that the royal family acquired through each reign. The royal family showcased their power through grand displays of wealth. They have the finest threads, drink the best wine, and have top pick of all sorts of foods.

Although they show off with their fancy jewelry they always make sure that their citizens had good resources. Each region had few people go hungry and if they were any they were not on the citizens' registry.

I was proud to be from Thren even if most planets saw us as nasty sexual beings that like to share each other. We don't bother the explain to people that we have more than one mate. It's fun seeing people get flustered when we flirt or do something out of the norm.

The only planet that cut us some slack is Zyka even then they still frown at our behavior. I think that they understood us now since Eensi and their kings have gotten closer since Queen Kayla's arrival. Who would have thought that our mate would have come from the same place as queen Kayla?

When we went to Earth we really just went to explore not to find our Stela. We had given up on the idea of having a mate then we went to Earth and she is the first thing we meet. I looked down at her and smiled as her eyes curiously roamed the halls. I was happy that we finally found our missing piece. I didn't express my worry to my halas that deep down I felt like something was missing. Now that she is here I finally feel like the emptiness I felt in my chest is melting away.



Sorry for the long wait! I have been having bad writer's block and I wasn't happy with this chapter but I decided to release it. I didn't want you guys waiting too long and abandon the book.  Also I don't have a laptop at the moment so i'm writing either on my iPad or when I go home on the weekends. 

Halas- male mates. someone who they share their nest with. 

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