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I watched as they slept. Eesni and Eerni were slumped in a chair that is clearly a little too small for their frame while Eetri was spread out on the couch. They are different when they are sleeping. Eesni slept like he had the whole world on his shoulders. He was so tense and had a mug on his face. Eetri slept like he didn't have a care in the world. He had a slight smile on his face and he was stretched out. Eerni was the hardest to read he didn't have an expression. His face was blank and his body was just there. When they are awake, they were so intimidating and imposing that you want to coward away from them but yet they are so beautiful and powerful that they commanded your attention. I find myself staring at them when they aren't looking. It's not that I can help it, they are beautiful creatures. Their white almost silver hair grabs your attention, it makes their facial features sharp and it doesn't help that they are like alien roman gods. 

Looking away from them I see medical supplies scattered all over the floor like someone got into a fight. My attention spans to Eetri who changed positions to where he was laying on his back with his hand thrown across his eyes causing his silk shirt to rise up showing his toned stomach. Who knew that you could actually have an eight packs because I didn't. The most I ever saw was four and men had to practically live in the gym to achieve such a feat. I heard the door open. I looked up to see the doctor walking in. He looked like he would rather be anywhere else but here. He eyed Eesni wearily before his eyes landed on me. He jumped in shock as our eyes met. 

"You're awake" He said walking over to me. 

"Y- Yes I am" I croaked as my voice cracked. 

My throat was sore which it was to be expected from all the screaming I did. I cringe remembering the pain of my nerves being on fire. I never wanted to experience pain like that ever again. Which is why I have confirmed that hell isn't some place I want to go. He look over the screen at what I assumed was my vitals. The screen displayed weird symbols that looked awfully like hieroglyphics mixed with letters that weren't English. 

"You seem to be fine my lady" He said bowing before leaving the room just as quickly as he came. 

While they still were asleep I tried to close my eyes to see if I could talk to their Goddess again. I needed to know who was out to get me and why they were after me. I haven't met anyone for me to get on their bad side except Eesni's sister. Im pretty sure that I didn't do anything that serious for her to harm me. I tried to go back into my mind but I couldn't do it. I sighed in frustration, I needed to talk to her. I opened my eyes as the men were waking up. I watched as they stretched causing their shirts to rise and show off their abs. 

Their eyes instantly locked with mine. They move with such speed that my eyes barely could keep up. They crowded around me as tension instantly left their bodies. Eesni softly caressed my head, Eerni rubbed my arms and Eetri rubbed my legs. I sat there awkwardly as they felt all over my body. 

"What are you guys doing?"

"Where making sure that you are okay. You scared us early" Eerni said still rubbing my arms. 

Their hands all felt different. Eesni touch was rough but urgent. Eerni touched me softly as if he was afraid that I was going to break. Eetri hand didn't stay in one place, bouncing from my arms to my legs and back up to my arms again. I there silently and let them check me so that they could have a piece of mind. I didn't shy away from their concern like I usually would. It probably due to them being the only ones who could protect me from this unknown threat that has arisen. 

"Im fine now" I said getting tired of them touching me. 

"When you suddenly started screaming I didn't know what to do. The doctor couldn't find the cause of your pain. Nothing we did would make you stop screaming. It seems like the more we touched you the worst it go. I don-"

"Eesni please be quiet. I have a headache and you're making it worse. You didn't do anything. I just think whatever y'all  did with that knife made me have a bad reaction' I said not wanting to listen to his rambling. 

I never would have thought that the great king could get so flustered. He always put up this hard act that I couldn't stand but see him so vulnerable right now made my heart flutter. If only he could be this charming and caring on a daily bases then I think we would somewhat get alone. I hadn't know him long enough to know his true nature but I knew that I didn't like his don't care attitude. 

"What happen? Why did you react that way at the ceremony?" Eerni asked looking confused. 

" I have no clue. All I know is that a ball of light barreled into my chest and then my whole body felt like it was on fire." I said leaving out the part of me meeting their Goddess. 

I don't think that they will take it well that their most high said that I was in trouble. Due to the fact that they are already fussing over me and I barely could do anything by myself.I knew the minute I told them that she had warned me about trouble I was going to me on a twenty four hour watch. I hated that idea. They would lock down the whole castle in order to ensure my safety. Although I was grateful for that, I also didn't want everyone in the poor castle to be walking on eggshells. 

"Are you sure you do not know what happen?" Eesni question as he ran his hand through my hair gently pushing my head to look into my eyes.

"Yes I'm sure" I answered looking away from his hard stare. 

"Well we are just glad that you are okay. Are you still hurting anywhere? Do we need to call the doctor ?" Eetri asked worriedly. 

"No I'm fine. The doctor has already come in and checked me while you guys were knocked out" 

I threw the covers back, ready to leave this hospital room but they all blocked my way. I pushed their hands away as I struggled to get up. I needed to get up to find out who had it in for me. With me being here in this room isn't going to help me find out any faster.

"Dudes what is the deal? Im ready to go" I asked agitated with their antics. 

"You are not going anywhere. After that big scare you gave us. You are at least going to stay here for another day or two" Eesni said crossing his top arms. 

"There is nothing wrong with me" I said shooting him a hard glare. 

"I do not care. What I say goes" Eesni finalize before going to sit in the chair on the wall. 

"Please let me go. I have stuff I got to do" I pleaded with  Eerni and Eetri.

"Sorry stela. I am with the king on this. You need to rest" Eerni said giving me an apologetic look.

I look to Eetri, who quickly nodded his head and turnt away from me. I watched as they all sat down trying to avoid my gaze. I plopped back onto the bed, letting out a loud sigh so that they could hear. me. They hadn't restrained me, when their attention is somewhere else I will make a run for it. Thirty minutes later the doctor had came back in seeming to fly by Eesni over to me. I lifted my eyebrow at Eesni who quickly averted his eyes. Rolling my eyes at him, I watched as the doctor check over me again. Before he could leave the room I quickly grabbed one of his hands as I got up.

"Im going with you" I whispered as he tried loosen my grip on his arm.

"No my lady-

"As your lady you have to do what I say" I said cutting him off. 

I hate to have to use that card on him but I had to get out of this room before I go crazy. The room was all white and all you could hear was the medical equipment beeping and the mens breathing. We had sat in silence for the whole thirty minutes and it was fixing to run me stir crazy. As he shuffled across the room trying not get caught. I was right behind him. We had almost made it to the door before Eesni looked at me and before he could say anything I was out of the door. 


Enjoy you guys! Sorry for the long wait I have started my internship. Which makes me write off and on because I be too tired sometimes to write but Im going to try to update every Sunday since that is the only day I have off between internship and work. It's kind of short but I feel like next chapter will be better.

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