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I couldn't believe Eesni would order me around like I was his servant. I am not someone who will bend to his beck and call. Im livid. Im so mad that I could cuss everyone out but I won't because I have something for his ass. He really had me fucked up on so many levels. I didn't have to be here and I won't be here. On the way to the party I will escape. They will be too busy worrying about their parents to even notice I'm gone. when they notice I haven't showed up I will be too far gone for them to find me. I smirk at the thought of them panicking trying to look for me. It serves them right, this was payback to them for kidnapping me. I knew it was a bad idea to run away on an unknown planet but right now I will take my chances with the unknown. It will be like survival of the fittest, me versus the unknown.I sat aggravated in the chair the maids had places in the middle of the floor as they ran around like chickens with their head cut off.  A maid was tugging and pulling on my hair  doing God knows what to it. The other mai was putting this weird sticky oil on my arms and legs while another was rummaging through the closet. I felt like I could scream. I hate people touching all over me and this was serious sending me into over drive. I was already pissed off and now I being turned every which way but loose and I'm close to exploding. 

I anxious bounced my knee as I watch all of them oblivious to what was facing to occur. The final straw was when the maid that was oiling my skin snatched my leg out causing me to almost fall out of the chair. My head snaps back from the force of me falling and the maid's hold on my hair. I'm so over this shit.

"Oh my queen I am sorry!" the maid exclaimed kneeling with her head touching the ground. 

"My queen please forgive us"

She shook with fear as the other maid scurried around bowing to me as well. She bowed so quickly to me that it looked like she slammed her head on the floor. They both pleading me to forgive them made me uncomfortable. I was that important for them to be scared of me. They probably were ten times stronger than me and here they are kneeling in front of me like I was a god or something. 

"Please get up." I said kneeling down, taking their hands to urge them to stand up.

 "My queen we deeply regret causing you pain" 

"Yes I understand, I accept your apology now please stop bowing to me and get up. It is making me uncomfortable" I urged, frowning in discomfort. 

They stood up and went back to getting me ready for the meet the parents celebration. I really wanted to be at home in my bed watching some tv but instead I'm sitting here while some women I don't know pull fuss over getting me ready to meet my so called mates parents. The real kicker is that I don't just have one mate but I have three. I always loved reading the reverse harems books in my small cubicle at work when I got to get a lunch break which was rare. But now Im actually in one and it not going to the way I thought it would have. Which in the alien reverse harems the girl gets accustom to them quickly but they didn't have an asshole for a mate, I did. 

"My lady, it is time to put on your garments"

I looked up at here just now realizing she was speaking English. I was caught up in the moment that my brain didn't realize that language they were speaking. I guess this is how people feeling when you start speaking their language but they brain is stuck on English. I stood up as they brung out this beautiful dress. The dress was a sparkling floor length gold dress that was light weight. It was light weight but still had enough fabric were it covered up all of your goodies. The dress has a slit going up the right stopping mid ways up the thigh. The breast of the dress was adorn in intricate designs with jewels that looked like diamonds. They were carefully placed in random and was enough to make the dress pop without it being over the top. I stepped into the dress as they laced it up in the back. After they got done I stood in front of the reflective panel that covered the wall opposite of the bed. I stared at myself in awe. 

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