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I left out of the room after I found something suitable to wear that cover up my lady parts. I didn't know where the men had went off to so I just roamed around until I ran into someone. But the halls seems like they were deserted because I have yet to see anyone and I have been walking for at least ten minutes. I aimlessly roamed around until I make up on hallway lined with pictures of all the different kings and queens. 

I stood there talking in their features that was human like with four arms and orange skin. They were stunning covered in their jewels. One woman had now a a crown with jewels so big that it look so heavy. I imagine if I had to wear something like that my head would fall off. I moved on to the next one and this queen had on a more simple crown than the previous. her crown was dainty and small filled with jewels that had a slight blue hue to them that shine against her skin.

I someone looking at me so I peaked out of the corner of my eye to see Eetri staring at me. I ignored him hoping that he would make the first move because I had no clue what to say to them. Being a loner has left me with no social skills. All I did was go to work and go home despite my profession requiring me to be social. I really enjoyed being by myself and now I'm thrown into an unknown world that I don't know how to navigate. I don't the customer of this new world that I am in and it scares me. It like going into society with a blind fold on not knowing if one sentence could cause you to get the death penalty. I don't like not knowing the rules and regulations of any place I went into now I'm on an unknown planet alone clueless. 

When Eetri asked me if I was ready to meet their parent I instantly froze. I didn't want to meet them let alone their parents and if Eesni sister is anything to go off of I really didn't want to. Eesni's sister did like me too much so I know she went back and told their parents about me. I don't need their parents judging me and I couldn't deal with judgment and my stress. 

"I don't think that is  good idea I said turning to back to the paintings to avoid his gaze.


"Because you guys sister already don't like me and god knows what she has told your parents" I mumbled hoping that he would drop the subject. 

"Are you talking about Falla? She is not my sister she is Eesni's sister and we do not have the same parents so I do not think she has said a word to them because they do not live in the castle" He said turning me around to face him. 

I was confused. I thought that they were siblings this whole time. They are always with each other and they live together. Granted they could have been roommates but who would be roommates with a king. I step away from him and look in confusion the only two answers I could come up with is that they are close friends with the king or they were in a relationship with each other. 

"What do mean you have don't have the same parents? Are you guys that close with the king that he lets you stay in his castle? Is it something else like a relationship?" I asked looking up at him in confusion. 

He cocked his head in confusion. "Have we not told you that we are each others Halla?" 

I don't recall anything that ha happened these few days let alone them telling ma about a halla. It's like my mind refuses to accept the situation that we are in. I know that I got took by some orange freakishly tall, fairy tale looking aliens but I just can't accept it. I didn't work my but off to pass the bar exam to become a lawyer to be kidnapped to a fucking whole new planet that I know nothing about. I didn't sign up for the deluxe spaceship package with a life time stay . I wanted to go home. No, I needed to go home before I lose my got damn mind. 

"No I don't recall any of you telling me that" 

"Well yes, we are each others hallas and you are our stela. We don't have the same parents and we would like for you to meet them today" 

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