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I felt like a kler had clawed my heart out when Eetri said that something was wrong with our stela. Now my heart was beating fast because of her radiant smile. I was still worried about her but since I didn't see any visible injuries, I would let it go for now. She has changed up so much in the little time she has been here.

Before I would never leave my work for anyone and now, I will drop everything if she says so. My mother always said that I worked too much. I usually blocked her out but now I can't seem to get our small curvy mate out of my head.

All I wanted to do was mate with her and my halas. I longed for all of us to become one. I have waited for her for 35 seasons and my patience was running thin. I badly wanted to bend her over and rut her. I could feel my loins strain against my sters making me adjust my stance. My grige was trying to take control, it wanted to rut her no matter what she wanted, and I couldn't have that. 

I needed to get out of here. My grige was clawing at me to get loose. I didn't want to scare our mate by raging out in front of her without explaining. We had to get her use to our normal bodies before she sees the other part of what we are.

"Since she is fine, I will leave now" I growled trying to keep my grige at bay.

I hurried out of her room and down the hallways. The help that was in the hallways shrieked and moved out of my way as I tried to exit the castle. I could see that my grige was on the surface because my vision was getting sharper. Which meant my eyes were turning white. I bussed through the doors as my grige fully surfaced. My teeth got sharper, and I ran into the forest. 

I could see every animal from small too big. I hunted a helpless danga that was trying to find some food. My grige ripped it apart before I could reign it in. The only person that could truly reign in my grige is my halas and stela. I had left without them so now it is going to cause destruction until I can gain control.

It rampaged until I finally got it under control. It was going to continue to rage until it mated with our halas and stela. My grige was different from Eetri and Eerni griges. Mine was fiercer and more uncontrollable because I have the blood on the original drinzos in me.

We weren't before just known for our sexual nature and our healing abilities. We used to be ruthless beings that didn't pause to kill anything and everything. We found ourselves isolated from the rest of the galaxies, so we had to find other ways to sedate our griges and that was by having sex. 

The drinzos that had white hair had more DNA of the originals than the rest of Thren. That is why they consider themselves higher in the chain than the other but i really didn't give a fuck about the hierarchy. I fell to the ground exhausted from fighting my grige. I laid there trying to catch my breath as I thought about how my life has changed since our stela arrived.

I had never raged before and i don't know if i could control it much longer. I did everything in my power to keep it from returning to the castle and rutting out stela and halas until they passed out. I didn't want to hurt them and i couldn't live with myself if I let my grige hurt them. I felt like if my grige had got a hold of them, it was going to break them, and I needed them. 

I could hear the animals that went into hiding come back out. Their feet crunched the fallen leaves on the ground. I had run all of them into hiding with my rampaging and I didn't blame them for hiding. If I saw a white eyed beast ripping apart everything it sees, I would hide as well. After I caught my breath, I went back into the castle and headed straight to my room.

 But now without missing the concerned and frightened looks that the staff was giving me. They never see me out of character. I was the demanding, cocky and composure king. It was frowned upon for me to be anything but perfect. It was tiring. I couldn't make any mistakes, or it would be like the end of the world. I knew I was going to get an earful from my parents and the court. Which I really didn't want to hear. All I wanted to do was take a bath and retire for the night with my halas and stela. 

"Eesni!" Eerni yelled through our link causing me to wince.

"Yes Eerni?" I questioned walking into our room to see him and Eetri sitting in the lounge area with worried looks.

"Why couldn't we contact you?" Eerni questioned with a scowl.

"I don't know Eerni" I said, agitated with the questions. 

I was tired and I didn't feel like answering anything I wanted to take a bath but with Eerni being the person he is he isn't going to let it go. I sat on the seat next to Eetri letting my head fall onto the back of it letting out a groan.

"We couldn't reach for two spans. Where have you been?" Eetri quietly questioned.

"I was in the forest. I couldn't control my grige so I had to get away before i hurt you guys or our stela" I answered hoping that they would let it until the morning. 

"You never did that before" Eerni stated.

"I know but right now I am tired. Can we discuss this matter when we wake in the morning?" I questioned with my eyes closed.

"Yes, Eesni but we must discuss this in the morning because it could affect out stela" he said sensing that I didn't want to talk anymore.

"You are dirty, let's get you a bath," Eetri said, standing up in front of me.

I opened my eyes to see him still looking at me with worry. He has always been the soft one out of the bunch. He couldn't stand seeing Eerni and I hurt or tired. I smile at him biting his bottom lip. He did that when he was concerned and didn't know what to do. I held out my hand as he grabbed it and pulled me to my feet.

I wrapped my two left arms around him as he helped me to the bath. I leaned against the powder area and watched as he ran me a bath. My hearts that were still racing started to calm down some as I watched my hala cater to our needs. After the bath was finished, he helped me take off my clothes and helped me into the bath. He turned to leave but I didn't want to be alone.

"Stay," I commanded.

He turned to look at me before he took off his clothes. I rose up out of the water and pulled him into the bath. His chest was one mine as I lowered us into the water. I turned him around until his back settled against my chest. I let out a breath as i closed my eyes to breathing in not only his scent but Eerni's too.

 I opened my eyes to him leaning against the powder area watching us. I held out my hand for him to join us in the bath. He contemplated getting in. He had come to a conclusion because he started taking off his clothes. He stepped into the water and let out a sigh as he lowered himself into the water. I was happy that we were together but i couldn't help but want our stela in here with us.

We had to work on her accepting us faster because I don't know what my grige will do if we wait too long. I also don't know if my halas' griges will start to be hard to control now that our stela is with us. Smelling her delectable scent every turn will not only drive us crazy but our griges too. No one has seen our griges go berserk in ages and i don't want us to be the first ones to do so.


WOOO-HOOO ! I have updated back to back. 

pats myself on the back. 

i hope you guys enjoy this chapter. i might update tomorrow so be on the look out. 

Dangas= its a small rodent animal that is a cross between a squirrel and a rabbit. its teeth are sharp but they are herbivores. they are kept as pets but that is only if they choose you to be their owner.  

kler= a panther like beast that walks on all fours but can also walk on its two hind legs. They have long sharp claws but is known to be friendly unless provoked. then you would want to run the other way and pray that they don't catch you.

sters= pants in lisian 

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