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Hearing that our mate has gotten taken sent me into a rage. I pulled on the chains yelling for them to let me go. I yanked on the chair tearing the skin around my wrist, but I did not care. My stela was in danger. I did not have time to waist. I craved the blood of whoever took what was mine. I wanted to see them beg for mercy after I slowly torture them. I want their blood to run down my hands as I rip out their hearts.

But that would not be enough to satisfy me. I will kill every one of their family members in front of them. I would make sure their blood does not remain to pass on to anyone because that is what they deserve. A despicable thing dare lay their hands on the most rare, beautiful woman that has walk this earth. They deserve to cease to exist and everyone that has their blood running through their veins. Even if I must kill any and everybody I will stop at nothing to have her back with me.

The chains were not budging. I could feel the blood running down my arms onto the floor, but it was nothing. The chains cut deeper into my skin, but the pain was anything compared to the anger and rage that fill my body. I could hear the growls and yell of Eensi and Eetri as they struggled to get free. Our shouts and growls bounced off the wall. Our chains rattled the walls and all the guards stood with their heads down. When I get free I will kill them. They did not protect their queen. I did not protect their queen and I am ashamed.

I was supposed to be the best man on Thren when it comes to protection. I could not even keep my grige under control let along protect my stela. It was all my fault I oversaw everyone safety. I should have been the first person to know that she was in danger. I was not worthy of being their mates. I could not protect our stela and I am not sure if I could find her.

The realization of not having the first clue of where out mates was made me sag against the wall. I did not know where to start and I was useless. I have no clue to who would want to hurt our mate. Having a stela is what everyone wishes for, and they know that they are an important part of us. Stelas were always off limits you could fight with us all day but if you try to hurt our stela then someone had to die. The men of thren knew if they wanted to live and not die leave our stelas alone.

The person who took her must not be from here or the were from here and they wanted us to cause chaos. If so we will give them exactly what they wanted. I watched as they struggled in their chains. Eesni was raging he pulled and yank at his chains making his bleed. The chains cut his some deep that it looks like it was a part of his body.

"You guys calm down" I linked trying to clear their head.

"What do you mean calm down our mate is missing!" Eetri yelled through the link.

I could feel their anger with a hit of worry through the link. I have never felt anything like this from them. We have always been levelheaded. We do not let our feelings and emotions take over us but to see and feel them so vulnerable and I could not do anything made me feel lost.

"We have to calm down in order to find her. We cannot find her if we cannot control ourselves." I stated.

"I cannot think about anything but her. I need to find her. I must save her" Eesni yelled out loud hysterically, pulling harder on his chains.

He tugged on his chains so hard that it cut a chunk of his skin off. He kept repeating that he had to save her that he was not aware of the harm he was causing himself and I frankly think he does not care. Tears spilled out of his eyes and pleaded with Riyel to be release. Riyel came closer to the bars and begged him to calm down.

"Please my lord you are hurting yourself. Please calm down" Riyel pleaded.

"No, No! I need you to let me go" Eesni answered.

Riyal shook his head in answer. He could not let him go. Eesni was the most unstable one out of all of us. Riyel knew that he would not handle the situation like a king would. Eesni was used to getting everything he wanted and the one thing he could not have was his mate. He had to go at her pace. He knew he could not make her submit to him like he did everyone else. Having her gone rocked his world. He had no control, and he was losing his mind.

"Riyel let me go at once! When I get out of here I will kill you! I am going to tear you limb for limb ! Do you hear me Riyel?! I am going to kill you if you do not let me out!" Eesni screamed making spit fly out of his mouth and his hair flying all everywhere.

I was shocked I have never seen him loose control like this. He could be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he would never threaten Riyel. Riyel has grown up with Eesni since he was a stripling. They were very close, and I have never seen them fight before. Seeing Eesni disregard his one and only true best friend's life like this was astonishing.

" Eesni! Calm down!" I boomed, making the place vibrate.

He snapped his head on my direction and stared at me. His chest heaved up and down from the engird her had exerted. His wrist leaked blood and his white eyes slowly started to fade back into crystal blue. He looked at the floor and hung limp. All you could hear was the sound of him taking deep breathes.

"You have to calm down Eesni. We must be levelheaded to find her mate. We kill bring death to those who have wronged our mate. But first we must find her. We must find our stela before it's too late and we are wasting time tied up. Please calm down so we can move forward" I said softly trying to keep my own emotions in check.

"Eerni, you are right. I need to calm down for our stela. I am sorry Riyel for threatening you" he said defeatedly with his head still hung low.

"It is okay my lord. We firstly need to get you guys bandage up and out of those cuffs" Riyel said motioning for the guards to open of cells.

The guards opened our cells and cautiously walked in. They too still had wounds from their fight with us earlier. They shook as they unlocked our chains. I felt sorry for attacking them and I will apologize soon but right nowI had to find our stela. All the chains fell off causing me to fall to the ground. I winced at the pain in my wrist. I ignored it as I got up and walked out of the cell. We all followed Riyel to the king's office to start looking for our mate. I hope Alexia is okay. I hope no harm has come to her. If she is harmed, I cannot guarantee my actions will be the best. 


Enjoy you guys! I wanted to you to see the others point of view before I got into the good stuff. Im sorry that it might not be what you guys wanted but I promise it will be in the next few chapters. Well until next time y'all stay safe 🩵

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