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I watch as he leaves out of the room and close the door behind him. I sank to the floor with my hands in my hands. I don't know what to think about what just happened. It was like a switch flip in him. He went from beating on me to talking tenderly well as tenderly as he could and trying to suck my soul out of my body through my lips. I tried to fight him off but he wasn't letting me go.

I pulled myself together and tried to contact Eesni again to warn him. I called Eesni name through the link but there wasn't an answer. I wish this  thing was like a phone where you could leave voicemails so that they could get back to you. I sighed in resignation I was beyond tire of all this shit.

I seriously needed to sleep for at least a month to regain a quarter of my energy back. These alien men were starting to get on my nerves quickly. It seems like they are the same as human men. Aggravating, entitled and selfish. Not saying that all human men are like these but it seems like I have no luck in the men department alien or human. I was getting real tired of being sick and tired something had to give.

Either I was going to handle this situation myself or I was going to die trying. Im tired of waiting for people to rescue me. I needed to rescue myself. Which sounds easier than it was because I was dealing with aliens with supper strength and I had no idea where I was but I didn't care. If all else fails they were men all the same and one thing men can't resist is lust and temptation.

I will put on my best act even if it meant getting down and dirty. At this point I was desperate and my so called mates weren't moving fast enough for me. I was mentally exhausted and was close to my breaking point.

I got up off the floor and sat on the bed. The bed was extremely soft that it formed around my body. All of a sudden exhaustion and fatigue hit me like a freight train. Although I had been sleeping, it really wasn't a recharging sleep. I really went to sleep to block out all of the pain.

I laid on the bed not getting under the covers in case someone comes and I need to get up quickly. I didn't need the covers to render me from protecting myself. I relaxed enough to drift off to sleep. I woke up to someone gently shaking me awake.

I jumped up frighten that it was the man from earlier. I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with him right now. My nerves calmed down slightly to see the woman from earlier standing on the side of the bed. I adjusted my posture. My legs were thrown over the side of the bed while the top half of my body was still lying against the pillow that I tried to burry myself in.

"My queen, the king has asked for your presence in the eating room" the maid said looking at the floor.

"I told you I wasn't your queen and tell your king i am not hungry" I said at the same time that my stomach made itself known.

She let out a light giggle that quickly ended when I looked at her. I know I wasn't that scary so i chalk it up to  her seeing me on the same level as her so called king.

"My queen i think your stomach would disagree and so would the king since he has important company" She said curtly leaving no room for disagreement.

She came over and help me fix my hair and makeup that she had put on me earlier when her king was trying to sexually harass me. After she was satisfied with how i looked she escorted me out of my room. The walls weren't as grand as the castle was. There were two colors gold and black with no drawings and really tacky if i must say.

The halls were shorter as well because we only took three turns and we were already at the dining room. It buzzed with noise. Men shouted at each other in glee rather than anger. It sounded like they also were accompanied by women as the women flirtatious laughter waffled through the close door.

"You never told me your name" I said trying to stall for time.

"My names is Raielle" She answered looking shy for some reason.
Her name fit her well. It definitely match those cute ears of hers. I make a reminder for when i get out of here I will take Raielle with me. But first I have to figure out how to get out of here.

I still my nerves and put on my game face. Since he wanted me to be his I will do just that. I straighten my shoulders, held my head high like I was that bitch. I am that bitch and a boss ass bitch will not wait like a fucking damsel in distress. I was a strong black woman and one thing black women knew how to do was get themselves out of the shit hole that life put them in. It was game on bitches. Whether I win or lose... I wasn't going down without a fight.

I hope you guys enjoy. This chapter was sort of a filler chapter. I still don't like it too much but i didn't want you guys to wait too long.

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