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I felt like I was suffocating. I opened my eyes to see four arms around me. I tried to move but it was like I was in a stray jacket made out of arms. I strained my neck to see who was holding me and it was the two men and a plus one holding me hostage. I had no clue where I was.

I let a scream making the two men on the end fall off the bed landing with a thump. The one that had his arms around me brought a hand up to cover my mouth. I twisted for him to let me go but I couldn't move or do anything with his arms around me.

I gave up and just laid there. I now know what the people in the movies that had on a stray jacket felt. You couldn't move and all you can do is plead for someone to let you lose. If you were lucky like me, they would give you something to shut you up.

But you knew as you quieted down you were going to raise hell at the next chance you got. I plan on whooping all these bitches' asses as soon as he let me free. They weren't just going to kidnap me and think that I was going to be weak and obedient.

I'm going to make them regret taking me. They are going to wish that they hadn't followed me home. I laid completely still and waited until he released me. Alien or not I was going to give them a piece of my mine.

"I'm going to release you now. Don't scream Stela" he said giving me a stern look.

I nodded my head with his hand still over my mouth. I should have bit the fuck out of his hand, but I don't know if he washes his hands or not. I really don't want to catch any foreign disease that my body couldn't handle.

He unwrapped his arms from around me before he slowly withdrew his hand from my mouth. I stared at the weird translucent ceiling for a minute or two to get my thoughts together. I also was trying to see what I was going to say when I go off.

The thing I can't stand is when you are trying to read someone their rights and your words don't come out right. When that happens, you won't be mad at them anymore but at yourself for sounding stupid. How can I go off on someone when I can't even understand myself?

I inhale a breath and hold it before I released it as I sat up. The men were now sitting at the foot of the bed including the one that was holding me. They sat there looking at me like a book that they were trying to memorize.

I studied them as they studied me. They were the same but different. One had a short buzz cut, the other had medium-length hair, and the last one had longer hair, but all of their hair colors were white. They were definitely handsome where you could overlook the extra set of arms.

They had marks on their face that made them look like warriors. Their bodies were muscular but lean like swimmers. They were perfectly between masculine and feminine if that makes sense. You wouldn't doubt that they were men, but they also had an aura around them that screams ethereal.

I looked to the side to stop ogling their bodies. I was trying to go off on them not jump their bones. I couldn't believe that I was thinking of all three of them at the same time. I inhaled and exhaled one more time to calm my nerves then I went off.

"Just who in the fuck do you guys think you are?! What gave you the right to fucking kidnap me from my home? Huh? What makes you so damn special that you can't just take anyone you want? I yelled at them.


"I don't give a damn if you are an alien or the kings of Sheba. You didn't have the right to take me away from my life. And stop fucking calling me Stela that's not my motherfucking name!" I screamed as I got closer with each word.

I pull the most extravagant move that I have ever made when I punched all of their asses in their face at the same time. I even punched the one that I haven't seen before because I felt like he had something to do with it too.

Pain shot through my hand, but I didn't give a fuck because I was pissed off. They just had the got damn audacity to fucking kidnap me like I didn't matter. I had my life all planned out and now it has gone to shit in a matter of minutes. I was going to work until I had enough money to retire and maybe buy myself a cat and dog because I wasn't going to have children.

I thought of adopting but I didn't know yet. If I did decide I was going to adopt, it would be an older child. I was going to live a quiet and peaceful life until I grew old. Then be cremated and hoped someone poured me into a forest or ocean so I could be nutrition for the fish.

I knew I should've taken my black ass straight home instead of going to get drinks. But the Johnson's ran my motherfucking blood pressure through the roof. I needed a drink after dealing with that shit. Now, look at me. I got taken by some sexy ass motherfucking aliens.

I went to lung back at them, but the one I had never seen before caught me. He pulled me back against his chest as I breathed heavily from rushing at them. I tried to hit him, but he restrained my arms behind my back with one hand. I tried to yank my hands from him, but he only held me tighter.

He put one of his legs over mine. Now I couldn't move at all. All I could do was try to catch my breath because I was tired as hell. I should have started my new year's resolution like I said I would. I wouldn't be so out of breath as I was now.

"Stela I'm sorry that they took you without your permission. But if you don't calm down you are going to hurt yourself. I can feel that you have hurt your arm badly. Please calm down and allow me to fix your hand." he pleaded as he lifted his leg to release mine.

Once he said I had hurt my hand the pain increased by ten. I bit my lip to hold in the scream I wanted to let out from the pain. I quickly nodded my head so he could let go of my hand. As he let go of my hand, I immediately cradle my arm to my chest frowning at the pain.

"You really need to stop hitting us" The one from earlier frowned. 

"We wouldn't need to worry about her hitting us if you guys hadn't kidnapped her Eesni" The man behind me interrupted as he gently grabbed my hand.

"But Eerni we-"

"I don't want to hear it Eetri." He interjected frowning at my swollen wrist.

"Eerni you can't still be upset with us" Eesni said looking at my wrist frowning as well.

"Of course, King Eesni. You promised queen Kayla you wouldn't kidnap anyone when you went to Earth. If I knew you guys were going to do something so ridiculous, I would have gone with you" Eerni said glaring at Eesni.

"Yun waq iz vas Stela" Eesni said as he glared back at Eerni. 

"Poy" Eerni said not backing down from Eesni

"Okay guys calm down we need to focus on our Stela" Eetri said looking at me then to them.



Poy= so 

Yun waq iz vas Stela= But she is our (mate)

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