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She pulled out a knife after she got done chanting. When she looked up I immediately put my head back down. I don't know what the hell she is doing with that knife but she better not come near me with it. The audience went quiet causing me to lift my head din curiosity to see the woman heading in our direction with that knife that definitely isn't a regal kitchen knife. It was gold with black symbols itched into it. The knife curved towards the sky reminding me of  a dagger that a pirate would have. The handle of the knife looks like it was made out of the finest obsidian that they could find. The light bending off of the knife made fear pierce my heart. She came and stood in front of us. I watched as the men stick out their hands and one by one got cut in the middle of their palm. 

"It is okay Alexia it won't hurt for long" Eesni whispered as the blood dripped on the floor.

"No I don't want to be cut. What the fuck is this even for?" I whispered. 

Before he could answer the woman had came over to me and grabbed my hand. I tried to pull my hand away but she was too strong. She had a strong hold on my wrist as she tried to pry open my hand with hers but I kept my fist closed tightly. We battle for a minute but her strength eventually won. she quickly slice my hand making it instantly sting. My eyes watered from the pain as I cradle my hand to my chest but I refuse to cry in front of all of these people. I couldn't be seen ass a weak bitch even though my anxiety is telling me to run away. After she got finished cutting our hands, she walked back up on the podium. She said something to the audience causing them to fall to their knees. 

Eesni walked up the podium with me stuck in place making Eerni give me a little push of encouragement. I looked back at him with worry but he only smiled.  He nodded his head forward as Eesni held out his none bleeding hand to help me up the podium. I hesitantly walked up the steps grabbing his hand as it was the only thing that was making me feel safe. Which is crazy in itself because I despise his guts so I shouldn't find comfort in his touch. If anything I should be revolted by the mere thought of him touching me. We stood in front of the basin looking over the kneeling crowd. I could clearly see the faces of the citizen some still looked like they were disgusted and others look rather pleased with me being up here. 

Having all of these eyes on me made me feel like my first time in court. My nervous were so bad that I was shaking as I walked into the court room. The shaking was so bad that I think I had a stripper beat that day. As a public defender I was representing a serial killer who had raped and kill men and women for over two years before finally getting caught. It was my first big case since I had gotten out of law school. It was a case that no one wanted to pick up and it got handed off to me. I was already on edge because I had to represent a murder but also this was a huge case with a lot of public attention. I wanted to look like I knew what I was doing but I also didn't want to be the one to set him free and get backlash for it. That trial went on for like a week because the investigators had lost a piece of evidence. He was sentence to life in prison but I did receive some backlash because I was representing him and the public wanted him crucified to the most high. That case was the turning point of my decision to go into marriage law because I couldn't go through that again. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Eesni pulling my arm over the basin as my blood dropped into the water. I watched as the water changed colors as our blood mixed together. The announcer started chanting making the water start to swirl. It swirled so fast that I thought it was going to spill out of the bowl. The water started to glow until it was a bright as a flashlight. I took a step back as a ball of light rose up from the basin, it stood still until she stop chanting. I couldn't take my eyes off of it I had never seen anything like this, magic was real. All this time people have been saying that they could us magic but everyone just wrote them off like they were crazy. I just witnessed real life magic something that people wish they could use. I was astounded until it came rushing at me and into my chest. It knocked me backwards making Eesni and Eerni catch me as it took my breath away. 

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