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TRIGGER WARNING!! ‼️‼️Sexual abuse.

I didn't want to go with him because something in my gut told me that I would regret it. I tried pulling my arm out of his as he dragged me down the hallway. 

"Miyel I really think you should finish talking to your men about the plan." I said digging my feet into the floor hoping that it would stop me from moving. 

All the confidence from early seemed to have vanished with each step we made towards his room. Goose bumps popped up on my skin as we got closer to the room. If didn't find a way to get away from him, I knew that he was going to do something tremendously wrong. My stomach felt heavy with dread, and it felt like I was going to puke at any moment.

"I will talk with them later human. Now it is time for me to get what I want." He said stopping in the hallway as he pulled me closer to him. 

"B-but I think Falla is up to something. Don't tell me that you actually trust her." I said hoping to spark some fear in him with his plan being exposed. 

"I fear not that Falla is going to tell her pathetic brother. She is too selfish and greedy to give up her chance at the throne" he said placing me back on my feet causing me to stumble a bit. 

"You don't-"

"Enough! " He said cutting me off. 

 Miyel dragged me back to his room.  He tossed the door open and slung me on to the bed. I scooted away from him and in fear. Miyel has been wanting me since he saw me despite all the beating he gave me. His anger and greed stood int he way from him getting to me but now he felt like I was truly his. 

I didn't have his anger as a buffer anymore and suddenly my plan from earlier has backfired into my face.  I was like a piece of meat on a chopping board waiting to get demolished. Miyel grabbed my left ankle putting me back down the bed. I tried to kick his hand away but right two hands held my right leg down onto the bed and I couldn't move. 

"There is no need to fight your desire for me human. "

"I'm not" 

"Earlier you were all on me practically begging for me to rut you. I was going to wait until you officially became my queen, but I am not. Do you know why little human?" Miyel asked hoovering over my squirming body. 

There was this derange look in his eyes that told me I wasn't going to like his answer. I thought that we were going to treat me somewhat better since I was no longer locked up, but I guess not. 

"Why?" I ask as his grip gets tighter on my thighs. 

"Because of the look on your mates' eyes as I tell them how your cunt felt around my cock. The mere fact of me having you before the so-called king will shatter him. It will make him absolutely ballistic to the point that he would want to kill himself for not being able to protect his mate. Having another man claiming what's his will kill him and I can wait" he said smiling at the devastated look on my face. 

"No! You can't do that. I-"

"Why can I not? Hmm what will a little weak human like you could do to stop me. If I wanted to, I could kill you right now with one hand. How could you possibly stop me from rutting you?"

"You are not my mate. You should wait for your mate. How would she feel if you took someone else to bed. " I asked him frantically.

 I didn't want him to rape me. I couldn't deal with too much more before I give up. I just wanted to go home and forget about everything. I didn't want to be queen. I didn't want to be some alien's mate. I just wanted to go home. Was that too much to ask for? Tears pricked the corners of my eye threatening to over spill at any moment. I hated crying and lately that all I seemed to be doing is fucking cry. I was so fucking tired. I'm tired of being taken advantage of. I am tired of these fucking aliens and their bullshit. I am tired of life. It's always dealing me a bullshit ass hand and am tired of playing the got damn game. 

" I care not about what my mates feel because they are dead."

My breath go stuck in my throat with all hope gone. He was going to rape me and there was nothing I could do about it. The feeling of his grimy hands running over my body. The sound of my clothes ripping as he tore them off my body, tearing away my hope with each tug. I was alone and no one can save me from this wicked fate. 

The air hit my skin hardening my goose bumps. I laid still putting up no fight. I couldn't fight anymore I was exhausted. Miyel finally ripped my underwear causing pain from the burn of the fabric being roughly pulled off of me. The tears that were threatening to spill finally ran over as he threw my legs open. He pierced my flesh making more tears fall from the pain. I was no longer human but a thing that these aliens didn't see as significant.  

I wasn't important to Eesni, Eerni or Eetri because if I was, they wouldn't allow this to happen to me. No one would allow their destine mate to be raped. They would allow tears to fill their eyes as their body was defiled. They were no better than human men. They were selfish bastard who only thought of themselves. With each tear that fell hatred replace it. I wanted them all to die and be torture just like I am. I will take everyone down with me. 

Each thrust broke me until the tears slowly stopped falling and there was nothing. I no longer felt the pain, the disgust and sadness of my mates failing me. The only thing I felt was hate. My body wasn't mine anymore and it felt heavy. I started scratching at my skin digging my nails into my arms as he took my innocence. I wanted out. Blood pooled under my nails, and I scratched at them. 

my breath grew.

I needed out.

I had to get out.

I can stop the itch if I could just get out. I wanted out. I needed to get out. I would be fine if the itching stopped.  I clawed harder pulling back skin, but the itching grew. I was so itchy.



Here is the new update. I know it was kind of hard to read but I hope y'all are enjoying my book so far. Poor Alexia. What will she do? 

Let me know what y'all think. 

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