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When our mate said that she was in danger our grige took over. I have never had my grige take over me and I have no control over it. They are usually docile and sits in the back of our minds until it needs to come out. My gaze was no longer in color, it was black and white. I was a predator that had no control, and our mate was not only in danger from someone else but me as well. My grige needed to protect her and he will do so no matter who is in his way.

Our mate ran out of the door and out grige took that as a chase but before he could make it the door Riyel jumped in front of us. I watch helplessly as our grige tore into Riyel before a mass of guards filed into the room. As they fought the guards, I fought it trying to rein in my grige. I did not want to hurt anybody but my grige was not hearing it.

It needed to claim our mate no matter the cost. It needed to keep her safe and the only way they could think of keeping her safe is by making her ours. I knew if it got its hands on her they would not stop rutting her until it imprinted all its DNA in her. They would ultimately tear her apart to make sure that she was theirs.

We fought and fought not making any progress in getting to our mate. It was making our grige more and more mad that their mate was not in their sights. The doctor rushed in and fought its way through the bloody bodies that lined the floor, getting closers to us. My grige sense the danger and home in on him.

"No!" I screamed trying to get him to stop but he wasn't listening.

We got closer to the doctor and before we could rip him apart he stabbed a needle into our stomach. I instantly drop to the floor as my body went lax from the needle obviously fill with tranquilizer. They only use tranquilizer on men who have lost their mates and prisoners. I never would have thought that they would have to use it on me. I felt my eyes get heavy as I closed my eyes I called for my mate before succumbing to the darkness.

I groaned as I woke up, the tranquilizer finally wearing off. I reached up and tried to rub my eyes, but chains stopped me. I looked down to see that I was chained to the wall inside of a prison cell. I yanked on the chain trying to get out, but I knew it was no use. These cells were made to hold any known alien making it to where I had no chance of escaping.

I look over to see Eesni and Eerni started to wake up. I sat quiet waiting for them to realized that they were chained up. I watched as they tried to yank and pull on their chains, but they weren't budging.

"What is the meaning of this?" Eesni yelled.

He had yelled in Lisian so I knew that he was mad and anyone who comes near him would end up dead. He was the best to be around when he was upset and is known to kill prisoners when he is upset. Of course, they were bad prisoners, so no one said or did anything about it. If he didn't kill them no one cared. It made some people scared of him and made his known as the ice-cold king. Everyone knew did not care about anyone except of his mates. Everyone else was disposable to him which I do not know if it is a good or bad thing.

Eesni continue to yell but no one came. He finally stopped yelling and rested on the wall. His chest heaves up and down as sweat rolled down his chest. I finally realized that we did not have any shirts on. The only thing we had on was pants. Our feet and chest were bare. There was nothing visible that we could use for a weapon.

I hear footsteps getting closer to us. I looked at the entrance of the prison to see count Riyel walk into the room. I grimaced at the deep cuts and bruises that lined his body. I do not know how long we were out, but it takes one to three hours for our bodies to heal itself. The only exception is if you get attacked by a grige. It had a special toxin in its claws that did not allow people to heal quickly and even in some case it could kill people depending on the species.

"What is the meaning of this Riyel" Eesni said showing him is chains.

"I am sorry my lord, but we had to chain you up for your safety. I did not know if you would wake up in control or not" He answered.

"Okay since you know that we in control let us down from here" Eesni said his jaw ticking in aggravation.

"I am sorry my lord I cannot" He bowing his head showing respect.

"What do you mean Riyel? release me at once! I need to make sure Alexia is okay" He growled yanking harder on his chains.

He was getting aggravated and his grige was closer to the surface than he realized. Riyel knew this. I can feel the dread thicken in the air that surrounded Riyel and whatever he was going to say next was going to set Eesni off and I knew I was not going to like it. Something told me it was about our mate. As soon as Riyel opens his mouth chaos will soon follow. No matter what it was I knew if it was between a nation or between our people a war will surely arise.

Riyal hesitated to speak and Eesni was at his wits end. I watch as Riyel mess with the ends of his tore shirt. He refuses to lift his eyes from the ground as he ponders on how to deliver the news. His moved faster and his breathing pick up. Now the feeling of dread is suffocating and all of us her on the edge of our seats waiting on him to speak.

"Riyel! Speak now! If you do not tell me what is happening, on our Goddes I will kill you where you stand!" Eesni yelled making is eyes flash between blue and white.

Riyel took a deep breath before he finally picked his head up and look at King Eesni. "I am sorry my lord b-but queen Alexia has been kidnapped" He whispered as his voice trembled.

I felt my body vibrate and my grige take over and all I could hear was the deafening growls of Eesni, Eerni and I as my world turned white. Our mate was missing, and I will go through hell and kill anyone who dares lay a finger on her. I will leave no one standing until I find you. Even if I tear apart my own body and only nothing but my heart remains, I will find you. My soul, heart, and body belong to her. Her heart, soul and body belong to me, and no one will take her away from me because she is mine. I vowed as I let my grige take full control. It is ready to kill and so am I.


Enjoy! This is sort of a filler chapter until we can get to the good stuff. Tell me what you think! I'm really in the mood to write so y'all might be getting another chapter real soon! Until next time y'all stay safe. 🤎

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