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I tried to avoid answering his question. I watched as he crossed the room and stood in front of me. Eensi grabbed my face making me look up at him. He was beautiful even in all his angry glory. I watched him as his anger rose, but his grip remained gentle. Eesni's eyes went from icy glaciers to Snow White mountains. I knew that I was teetering on a fine line. His patience was running thin, and no more mister nice alien was present. I knew that I had to tell them what she had told me, but something told me that they were going to react in a way that wasn't good.

" Now little mate I will ask you again. What happened?"

"Do I really have to" I asked pouting looking up at him.

"Yes stela" He said caressing his thumb on my cheek.

I don't think that he realizes he is doing it. It made my heart skip a beat from the tenderness he is showing me. I think I am starting to get a little more comfortable with not just him but Eerni and Eetri too. The drama of them kidnapping me has finally started to wear off. I'm slowly understanding that I can't change the situation. I must play with the cards I have been dealt with even if it was a bad hand.

"Promise you want get mad."

"I can't promise you that"

"Well at least try to control yourself."

'Okay I will try" He said dropping his hand from my face.

"So, you guys how I was in extreme pain when that ball of light entered my body" I asked looking from Eesni to the other two.

"Yes. you still haven't told us why you reacted that way" Eerni answered.

"I still haven't figured out why that happen but when I woke up I wasn't here."

"What do you mean you was not here. You have never left our sight" Eesni asked, frowning.

"I don't know how to explain it. When I woke up it was like I wasn't physically woke but mentally woke. I woke up in a dark place and I walked for what seemed like hours begging for someone to help me. Which someone did help a lady."

"What lady?" Eerni asked.

" I think she is your goddess Because she looked exactly like her."

" What? Are you sure that Goddess Ishgna was there. She hasn't shown herself since the first queen and king arrived in Thren " Eerni asked, shocked at the news.

"Yes I'm sure. She looked exactly like she did on the pictures." I said nodding my head.

"What did she say to you?" Eetri asked excitedly.

"She said that I was in danger" I mumbled looking down at the ground.

There were loud growls that ripped through the air making me jumping fear. I looked up to see all three eyes had turned completely white and their nails had turned into claws as they shook. Fear instantly pierced my chest. I had never seen them so scary before. Eesni had growled so loud that it shook the room, and I was sure that the whole castle had hear it.

I called out their names but they didnt answer me. I moved to get off the bed but they each growled at me as they eyes watched every movement that I made. Riyel burst into the room alarmed. He stopped in his tracks as they growled a warning at him not to come any closer.

"My lady, please don't move" Riyel cautioned as he slowly brought his hands up.

"Why" I asked alarmed, looking back and forth between my mates and him.

They watched him like a hawk. They were still growling as they moved closer to me. It looks like they were trying to block me from Riyel but I didn't know why. He hadn't done anything that I know of.

"They are currently in their grige state. They aren't in control of their bodies right now and it is very dangerous. They will attack anything that they see as a threat right now. Right now, that threat is me" He said keeping his eyes on them.

"What is a grige and how do you stop it" I exclaimed as they move closer to me.

"I need to know what cause their grige to take completely control of them. A grige is their animalistic side of them. It comes out when they are in danger, or their mates are in danger. It is sort of like a defense mechanism" Riyel said.

"Oh lord! They are werewolves" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air.

I look at them stalk over to me like I was their prey. I was a main character in a fantasy book. I have three werewolf mates; their Luna has visited me with a warning, and they can do magic. We are just in the beginning of the book, and I am already to call it quits.

"I have no clue what a werewolf is, but I really need to know what has cause this" Riyel said.

I hesitate to tell him the cause because I don't know if he was part of the people out to get me. I really didn't have a choice because they were getting even closer to me. They look like one of those lions that you watch on animal planet that has spotted a deer for their next meal and I wasn't trying to be theirs.

"Umm I told them that there was someone trying to hurt me, and they flipped out" I said leaving out the part that their goddess gave me the warning. I don't think that they would like for me to announce that I could see and talk to their god.

"Okay that explains it. Now I need you to try carefully try to get off the bed and over to me. They are now in a state of protectiveness and possession." he said reaching out his hand towards me.

"What is a state of possession and protectiveness?" I asked slowing inching towards the edge of the bed.

"It is where your grige take full control and they will do anything to keep their mates alive. Even if it is something that their mate doesn't want. In your case it is rutting."

"They want to have sex with me?" I asked placing my foot on the floor making them give me a warning growl.

"Rutting is a little different from sex. Rutting is more brutal and animalistic than regular sex. Without proper medicine, it can be painful and harmful for drinzo women .I could only imagine what that is will be worse for a human woman."

"Yeah I couldn't imagine" I said grimacing at the the brutal image that flashed across my mind.

I got both of my feet on the floor and slowly stood up. They watched me like a hawk. I slowly inched over to Riyel as they slowly inched over to me. I had no clue how he was going to get them to calm down, but I knew he couldn't do it by himself.

"Riyel I know you're capable and all of that but I pretty sure we can't take on three big beasts" I said standing in the middle of him and my mates.

"I have called for backup. They are outside waiting for my cue. I just need you am good distance from them preferably outside of the room. Because they will go berserk, and I don't want you to get harmed."

I move closer to him and with every step I had they growled more menacingly. I wanted to try to calm them down, but I knew that they weren't themselves. I had no clue what their grige were like and from the explanation that Riyel gave me. I was in no position to try to reason with three pissed off beasts.

I close the gap between me and Riyel as he snatched me in his arms, running me out of the room. There were probably fifteen men standing on guard in the hallway. One of them took me and placed me behind him at my mates had charged the door. They were tearing at the door together out, but Riyel and the guard held the door close. They struggle with them a little before all the men got into position and stormed into to the room slamming the door shut.

I stood outside with the guard who was slightly shorter than Riyel. You could tell that he had some form of training because she didn't let me move an inch while his eyes were trained on the door. I could hear the shouts and growls of my mates and the men as they tried to fight them off. You could hear stuff trashing to the floor and glass breaking. The room was going to be a mess when they finally settle down. 


Our girl is starting to call them her mates. You think they will be able to sedate them or are they going to break free?

Aliens Mate: ThrenWhere stories live. Discover now