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After getting into it with Eerni, Eerni left out of the room after Eetri took our stela to fix her wrist. I didn't understand why Eerni was so upset with us for taking her. He knew that we couldn't stay on Earth for long and we didn't have any other choice but to take her. I admit it wasn't ideal to kidnap her but what other choice did I have?

I didn't say anything to them about not having a Stela because I didn't want to cause them pain. I even went as far as encouraging them that it was fine with just us three but I knew I was lying to myself and them. When I smelled her wonderful scent and I laid my eyes on her it was the happiest day of my life further than meeting my halas.

I knew I couldn't leave Earth without her and I knew that they wanted their stela as much as I did. My father and court have been urging me to get a stela, even if she wasn't my mate. I kept it a secret from them because I knew they didn't want someone who was our fated mate. The court has been giving me Hak because it was crucial to have an heir to continue our reign.

I knew that I had to take her with us no matter the consequences. What I didn't expect for Eerni to be this upset with us over it. I understood that Kayla told us not to but I didn't see any other way. Despite him being upset with us I knew from our link that he was just as excited as we were about finding our mate.

"Where are you?" I linked to Eetri.

"Headed to the kitchen. Is everything alright now?" He asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. I will meet you in the kitchen" I said cutting off the link so he couldn't ask any more questions.

I took my time walking to the kitchen so I could think. My parents already know that we have found our stela and I knew it was just a matter of time until they started hounding me for an heir. The way things are right now I knew Alexia wasn't going to immediately give me an heir.

She didn't even want to be here so I don't expect her to give me a stripling. It would be crazy for me to demand something like that from her when I kidnapped her from her home. I changed her life forever and I don't regret it even if it did make me sound selfish.

In time I'm sure she will realize that we will protect her and love her until the day we perish. I'm not saying it's going to be easy but I'm going to make the effort to make sure she is taken care of and loved. Alexia hated us right now but we will make her love us.

I walked into the kitchen to see Eetri trying to make Alexia eat some food and her pushing his hand away. I watch the battle occur for ten rens. Deciding Eetri had struggled enough I walked into the kitchen taking the food from him.

"Why aren't you eating stela??" I asked looking down at her as I took a seat.

"Who in their right mind would eat food from their kidnappers?" She scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Alexia you need to eat," I said lifting food to her lips.

"I don't know what that is and if it's poisoned or not" She protested turning her head away from the food.

She was acting like a stripling that was refusing their vegetables. It was cute but annoying. She and I knew she was hungry because her stomach kept making these weird noises. I knew we kidnapped her but even captors have to stay alive for the abductor.

"You haven't eaten anything in almost two turns. Please eat some food." I pleaded with her.

"No" she quickly refuted.

"Stela I'm trying to be nice but you are making it very hard. Let me warn you now I'm not a patient man" I threaten as I grabbed her face making her look at me.

"I think I have been quite nice to you. I would never do anything to hurt you, Alexia, so eat" I said sternly staring into her eyes.

I was really annoyed with her. I was used to everyone listening to me. Her defiance was starting to grate my nerves. It was going to have to go sooner rather than later. She snatched the spoon out of my hand throwing me a glare. She turned away from me and faced Eetri as Eerni made his way to the seat beside her.

I didn't care that she was upset with me. I wouldn't have her starving because of her own negligence. Her being stubborn wasn't going to help her if she ended up malnourished and fall sick. She still hasn't taken a bite out of her food. All she did was glare at it.

Eerni looked at her and then the food before he picked up the spoon. He took a bite of the food as he scooped another holding it out for her to take a bite. She looked at him and then back at the food as she hesitated to take a bite.

She took the spoon from him and sniffed the food before slowly taking a bite. I watched as she chewed her food as nodded her head taking another bite. Eerni smiled at her as he handed her a glass of yul. She sniffed as well looking inside at the blue liquid. She took a swig of the yul grimacing pushing the cup away from her.

"Do you not like yul?" I questioned.

Yul was a juice made out of a fruit called kel. Kel was a bitter tangy fruit that had a hint of sweetness that most drinzos loved. Most kids did not like yul because of its bitterness and it seem like humans didn't either. Well at least our stela don't like bitter foods or beverages which I made a mental note of.

She went back to eating her food not responding to me. It made me upset that she didn't answer me. I was used that I spoke to her in English and not Lisian. So I knew she could understand me perfectly.

"Did you not hear me, Alexia? Is the yul not to your liking?" I reiterated.

She didn't acknowledge my existence. Alexia continued to eat her food. Eetri got up and fix her something else to drink. She took the cup away from him giving him a smile and a small thanks. She examines the contents again before cautiously taking a sip. This one she obviously liked because she down most of the cup.

"I can't believe she ignored me," I said through our link to Eerni and Eetri.

"you were sort of rough with her. I think you should apologize" Eetri linked.

"I'm not apologizing to her. It was her own fault. She was the one that didn't want to listen when I told her to eat" I grounded out

"How do you expect her to instantly trust us Eesni," Eerni asked.

"She is our mate. Of course, she should trust us. why would we hurt her?" I asked.

"That doesn't mean anything to her Eesni. Have you forgotten that humans don't have mates?" Eerni countered.

"You need to approach her as a human man would. She isn't like our women who instantly knows that she is ours and we are hers" Eetri said.

I expected Eerni to be philosophical but Eetri too. I knew that I had messed up but I still wasn't going to apologize to her. I don't see anything wrong in what I did or said. She was just going to have to get used to it because I wasn't going to act like those despicable male humans.



I have finally gotten a laptop now I can write more.

Eesni is being a pain in the ass. Like give my girl some space. Eerni seems to understand her more than Eesni. 

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