Chapter 16

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When we got back near the pack house Alcide led us to the jail after sending Robert home. It was a few streets away from the pack house and when it came into view, I was slightly surprised. It looked like an old abandoned factory. The whole building looked empty and the grounds around it weren't looked after either. There was a metal fence surrounding the entire building that was at least thirty feet high. As we got closer, I realized that the fence was actually made of silver so if any werewolf touched it, they would get severe burns.

"Milly?" Brad interrupted my thinking.


"Can you do us a favour and open the gate please? None of us have anything to protect our skin." He shuffled Johnson on his shoulder a bit, as he was the one carrying him. I looked towards the gate that Alcide had already unlocked. I stepped towards it and moved the latch then pushed the gate open. Alcide led the way into the prison and we followed single file. Even when we got inside the place still looked empty. Alcide walked over to a door that had a scanner next to it and pressed his thumb on it. High tech thumb scanner, how cool! The door buzzed and opened and we all walked through it. It was just a narrow staircase going down so we all followed it to the bottom. Alcide went left and we all followed. After walking down, a rather long and dark corridor there was another door with an eye scanner. I raised an eyebrow. Hella lot of security or what? When the door buzzed open, we were met with a room full of cells and a door opposite us. The cells were big but not too big and all just had a bed in and a tiny place to pee.

"Why is there no one here?" I asked.

"People don't usually break the law in this pack but the ones that do soon get taught not to do it again." Alcide replied with a shrug. There was a slight grunt coming from Johnson meaning he was starting to wake up.

"Where can we put him?" Brad asked, shifting him again.

"Through that door there." Alcide growled pointing to the door opposite us with a slight twitch to his jaw. Brad and I walked towards the door and when I opened it, I didn't really know what to think. There was a chair in the middle of the room with hand and ankle cuffs made out of silver. There was a stand near it with loads of knives, tweezers, pliers and a few other things on it. Brad put Johnson on the chair and cuffed him to it.

"I suggest we leave you to do your thing, Moo?" Brad asked me. I smiled a bit before nodding. Brad left the room, grabbing Ryan and closed the door behind him. I heard Alcide ask Brad what was going on and when Alcide didn't like the answer burst into the room with an angry look on his face.

"What are you doing Mill?" He demanded walking up to me. I picked up one of the knives. It was silver with a rubber handle. I twisted it in my hands before putting it down and picking up another one.

"Getting answers the quickest way possible." I replied.

"I don't want you doing this."

"I don't care. This isn't the first time I'm doing something like this. I know what I'm doing Alcide." I picked up a different device and tried to figure out what it was.

"Fine. But I'm staying in here with you."

"I'd rather you didn't."

"I don't care."

"It's not going to be pretty. There's going to be a lot of blood. It's going to take a while. Have you ever done this before?" I put the device down and went to pick up another. When he didn't reply I looked back at him. He had a hard-determined look on his face. I raised an eyebrow and he slowly shock his head. "I hope you don't have a weak stomach babe or you might be seeing what you had for dinner again." I said in a monotone voice looking back at the lovely collection of knives.

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