Chapter 17

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A few hours later we were all stood at the entrance to the territory. I was pacing back and forth, I just wanted them to get here so I can see how much damage has been done. God, I hope it's not as bad as I was thinking. I could feel the tension rolling off of Brad and Alcide because of how upset I was. The rest of my pack and Ryan were stood around just waiting but also tense and agitated. I felt Brad come up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. I shook him off, I just can't be dealing with anything right now. The cracks are starting to open up and I'm trying so hard to keep it together. My head snapped up when I heard a howl of pain in the distance. I stepped forward to try and hear it again, I swear I didn't imagine it.

"Milly? What's wrong?" Brad asked, stepping closer to me again.

"Shh! I thought I heard-" There it was again. A shout of pain and a growl. I didn't even give it a second thought; I ran as fast as I could to where the noise was coming from. Werewolves are incredibly fast runners naturally but because of my abilities I'm even faster. Within a minute I could hear the sounds of a massive fight breaking out. Growls and roars, whines and yelps. I pushed myself to run even faster and when I ran out into a clearing I almost fell over. Looking from one side of the field to the other was bloodshed. There were wolves and people fighting, bodies lying limp on the floor, limbs thrown away, so, so much blood. There was a roar so loud it cut through all of the noise that was going on. I snapped my head over to see Alpha being pinned down by his neck. This is my pack. They are attacking my pack. Again?! Attack them whilst they're down, sure.

I don't even know what happened but I Screamed at the top of my lungs. Well, it felt like a scream but it sounded like the loudest roar I have ever heard. All the fighting stopped for a second and everybody looked at me. Not even a second past before all the rogues headed in my direction. A rogue jumped at me from the side but I reached my arm out and caught it by the throat. I could feel my eyes glowing black, my ears, tail and nails growing. Without a second thought I grabbed the bottom of the rogue's jaw and ripped it off. The wolf went limp so I dropped it to the ground. I tilted my head at everyone else.

"COME ON THEN!" I shouted, my voice sounding completely different than normal.

Straight away I was attacked from my other side. I twisted and threw the wolf barreling over, hitting another two. I jumped forward and grabbed one in a head lock, pushing up and breaking its neck. Two charged at me, so I ducked under one and cut its belly open with my claws, like I did to John on my first day back here. Another wolf jumped at me so I span and kicked it round the head. The rogues were starting to surround me, so I smiled wickedly. This is going to be fun. Three jumped on me at the same time and every limb my hands came in contact with I broke. One swiped me across the face, earning a growl from me. I looked up and wiped the blood from my face, the wound already healed.

"Is that all you got?" I sneered.

A wolf jumped on me from behind, I grabbed it and broke its neck. I moved to another wolf, standing on its paw and lifting it up so its leg dislocated. I jumped over another one that came barreling over to me, jumped up the tree then spun around kicking his head and breaking his neck. The next wolf that went to attack me I punched my hand through their chest and ripped out their heart. I didn't know anything that was happening around me. I was so consumed in my anger and killing those that had hurt my family that nothing else mattered to me. I could have been there fighting for five minutes or five days, I wouldn't have noticed. When wolves stopped coming towards me, I stopped moving. I noticed I was panting quite hard and eventually was able to calm down enough to see again and not see this wall of blinding white rage.

"Milly?" I looked up and saw some of my pack, Alcide and Ryan all looking at me. Everyone looked bloodied and beaten. There were wolves everywhere, all dead on the ground and some torn apart. There was so much blood. Alpha stepped forward, holding his left arm, blood dripping down his throat, blood coming out a wound on the side of his stomach and a limp in his right leg. I whimpered slightly, he looked like shit, covered in blood and bruises. I've never seen him like that. I felt my eyes water at the sight of him.

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