Chapter 7

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Ryan looked at me, his eyes darkening in anger.

"Are you my sister?" He growled out, taking a step closer. I didn't say anything, just looked at him with wide eyes. He studied me for a minute, looking at every inch of my body and when his eyes landed on the necklace his eyes widened ever so slightly. He held eye contact with me for almost a full minute before speaking, "You're really back." He whispered, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed harshly. He looked at Alcide, "Why didn't you tell me it was her?"

"I'm sorry man, it's just... I didn't know how'd you'd react-"

"How'd I'd react? You know how much her leaving killed me and still you said nothing? You're a piece of shit, you know, that right?" He turned to face me, "Why did you never tell me who you really are? Did you really think you could be living here under the same roof as your own brother and him never finding out?" He scoffed. He turned back to face Alcide. "How long did you know?"

"Ryan, I-"

"How long have you KNOWN?"

"I found out earlier today."

"And you didn't think to tell me? Not even after I got in a fucking fight with her? My own SISTER?! I was planning on hurting her, Alcide! Actually, physically causing her pain! And you didn't think to tell me who she really was?" He scoffed again. He glanced at me, looking torn, before pushing everyone out of the way and running out of the room. I didn't miss the way he looked at Rose for a few seconds too long, or the sad look on her face either. Everyone was silent for a few moments before I spoke.

"I'll go find him and talk to him."

"No, leave him for now." Alcide said.

"He's my brother. He may not have treated me right at first but he deserves an explanation. I'm going." He nodded once then told everybody to leave and to go back to what they were doing.

This has been such a long day and it's not even over yet. Sigh.

I followed Ryan's scent to the back of the pack house, going into the woods. I walked after him, giving him enough time to be by himself. After fifteen minutes of walking, I saw him sat on the edge of a cliff, dangling his legs over the edge throwing rocks out into the ocean. I sat down next to him, leaning back on my hands and dangling my legs over the edge too. It was silent for a few minutes, both of us lost in thought looking out onto the horizon. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

"I'm so sorry, Milly." He said gently, looking at me in the eyes. All I saw was honesty and sadness.

"What for?" I asked just as gently. He blew out a big breath.

"Everything. And I mean it. For how I treated you when Mum and Dad died. For how the pack treated you because of me. For not stopping the physical abuse. I know I never hit you but I ignored you and I ignored the abuse you got when I could have stopped it. I'm sorry for not believing Alcide was your mate and for making you feel so bad you had to run away. I'm sorry for fighting you earlier and talking and treating you like shit. God Milly, I'm just so fucking sorry." He suddenly grabbed me in a hug.

My brother's hugging me.

My brother who ignored me for the last five years I was living here had his arms around me in a tight embrace.


I'm not dreaming, am I?

I hugged him back just as tightly and we were sat there for a few moments enjoying this embrace. A feeling of family. I pulled away first and wiped away his tears as he did mine, smiling weakly.

*Book 1* Once In A Blue Moon *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now