Chapter 9

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That night for some reason I was rather restless and couldn't sleep. Brad was passed out in the bed next to me, the run earlier having tired him out. I rolled over on to my back and sighed. I just couldn't get comfy and felt frustrated. Something was bothering me and my wolf but I couldn't work out what it was. A sob broke through my lips as I felt so tired and drained but not being able to fall asleep, it was driving me mad. I decided to go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. I tip toed through the house as everyone was asleep as I didn't want to disturb them. When I got to the kitchen someone was sat on a stool at the island. I turned on the kitchen light and was surprised to see it was Lee, the guy who drove in the car with us on our first day of school.

"Hey." I said, keeping my voice low. He didn't say anything just nodded his head. I rolled my eyes then got a glass out of the cupboard and filled it up with water. I took a sip then turned to face Lee. He sensed my eyes on him so he looked up at me.

"What?" He snapped.

"Liking it here?" I asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you like living here? In this pack?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Sure beats being a rogue, doesn't it?"

"So, you remember me, huh?"

"How can I forget? You were the first rogue I let live. Good job I did, you've made quite the life for yourself. How'd you get Alcide to let you in the pack?"

"I sat at the borders until someone came along, like you said, and then told them I wanted to speak to the Alpha to join the pack. They took me to Alpha and I explained about my family dying and he let me join."

When I first met Lee just over two years ago, he was a rogue. He was bought up with his parents and didn't really understand a lot about werewolves but his parents ended up pissing off the wrong kind of people and got themselves killed. Lee couldn't handle it so his wolf took over and he became a rogue. When we found him, he was dirty, smelly and slightly crazy. Alpha didn't want him in the pack because he couldn't trust him so we told him to go find another pack, not to cross the border or else he'd be exterminated but to wait for someone doing rounds to come check. Looks like he made it here.

"I'm sorry we didn't let you join our pack; Alpha didn't think it was safe considering your mental state and everything."

"It's okay, I understand. Anyway, I'm going to bed now I'll see you later. Night." He put his empty glass in the sink then walked out. I felt some of the tension leave me but not all of it. I still wouldn't be able to get to sleep. I drank the rest of my water and went upstairs. I changed into some leggings and a tank top and put on my trainers. Maybe going for a run would help. I left out the back door and started running into the woods. I was running for about ten minutes when I heard them. A smile came on to my face and I slowed down, moving quietly as possible. I walked around a tree to the stream and saw Dory and Jean, talking and drinking the water, like they were five years ago.

'Fancy seeing you here.' I spoke to them. They looked up startled and slightly confused. 'Remember me?' I asked.

'M- Milly? Is it?' Dory asked, gulping slightly.

'Yeah, long time no see guys.' Without a second thought I transformed into my wolf, my clothes shredding and falling to the floor as I shook out my fur and stretched my legs.

'You've gotten bigger.' Jean stated.

'I was thirteen when I met you guys, it was the first night of my change so I was only a pup. I'm eighteen now so I'm bigger and more powerful.' I lent forward and took a drink from the stream, lapping up loads of the water.

*Book 1* Once In A Blue Moon *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now