Chapter 2

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~5 years later~

Nothing's changed in the last five years.

Well. My hair's longer.

I still get bullied, even with the Alpha telling people not to. My brother still doesn't talk to me, nobody talks to me but the Alpha and Luna. When I'm at the pack house I spend all my time in the kitchen with Kate, our Luna or I go and join Will, the Alpha, in his office. These two are like my second parents and the only people I talk to. They take care of me. However, because I'm always with them and they care for me it just makes everybody hate me more. They say that I suck up to them and 'kiss their arse'.

Over the years I've learnt not to listen to them. Sometimes I come home crying from school but I can't tell the Alpha because I know the bullying will just get worse. I know now that it's inevitable. No matter what I do it will happen. Everyone's nice to me in front of the Alpha couple so they don't get in trouble but everything changes when their backs are turned. Most people have learnt to do things to me that won't get back to the Alpha such as physical abuse. They can say that I just fell over and I'm trying to get them in trouble but some of the time I've already healed when I get home. I get pushed over a lot and when I fall down, they'll kick me or punch me. I'm everyone's punching bag. I've even learnt how much cover up to put on different shades of bruises if they still last a few days. It probably wouldn't be such a problem if the majority of the school wasn't wolves. I never realised just how big this pack was until all the abuse started.

it's hard being the omega of the pack, but I guess someone has to do it.

Tomorrow is the day I'm dreading the most yet still strangely excited for. It's my thirteenth birthday, which means I'll finally turn into a wolf and be able to find my mate. Part of me is thrilled about finding my mate, hoping that I'll finally have someone that'll love me for who I am, but the sensible part of me knows that they'll reject me because it's... well, me. Thirteen maybe a little young to be finding your mate but we're wolves. We know that they're our soulmate and there won't be anybody else. And just because you find your mate at a young age doesn't mean you have to mate. It's to build a bond so you have a stronger connection than the other wolves.It's deemed as lucky to find your mate early. Plus, most people don't find their mates till their late teens, early twenties. I just hope my mates in another pack so they won't hate me like everybody does here and I get a fresh start. A clean slate.


When I woke up the next morning, I felt different. I felt... stronger. I noticed my eye sight improved slightly, my hearing was a bit better, everything was better. And everything will improve even more when I turn into a wolf for the first time tonight.

After I was ready for school, I left my bedroom and nearly ran into Elizabeth, the queen bitch who also bullies me the most.

"Watch where you're going fat fuck." She sneered. I just nodded slightly, looking at the floor and was about to walk past her when she stepped in front of me.

"Heard that it's your birthday today and you're going to be a wolf soon. Good luck finding a mate, no one's going to want a sad pathetic little wolf like you." She shoved past me, walking off. I kept my head down and was about to walk out the front door when Kate stopped me.

"Milly, wait a sec," I turned around to face her, forcing a smile on my face.

"Yes Luna?" I asked.

"You don't have to call me Luna, Milly, you're more like a daughter to me to call me that," She said rolling her eyes, "Anyway, I just wanted to say happy birthday and to give you this." She said handing over a little box.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it and you'll find out." She said grinning at me. I carefully opened the box to find a beautiful necklace. It was a round pendant with a symbol in the middle and six blue gems on the outside. My jaw dropped when I looked at the beauty of it.

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