Chapter 28

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A few weeks after we met the hunters, we created a plan of attack. There were about 30 hunters throughout the whole of the country. Most of them met each other on missions trying to kill wolves but only a few banded together. Most hunters worked on their own or in groups of two or three. The nine that were here were three different groups of hunters. The rogues had a team that spent a lot of time finding the hunters and their families to use as blackmail. My 'And so the hunters become the hunted' joke didn't go down very well with them.

The rogues were still out looking for more hunters to gather up so Sax and his guys sent word to the others they were in contact with to be careful. We came to the agreement that they would work for us and give us inside information. In return I promised I would get their families home safe and a sound.

Sax had sent me a few messages the last couple of weeks just telling me what the rogues were up to but they liked to keep the hunters in the dark. The rogues had planned for the hunters to attack another pack so I called ahead and explained the situation. I'm sure the pack enjoyed ripping the hunter's clothes apart as much as I did. Jack made the point that in this whole situation it seemed it was just the hunters getting hurt. I told them they could shoot me again if they really wanted but they knew there was no point.

The territory got even more packed with Tony's pack here now as well. I said to Alcide about making the territory bigger but he said that was a conversation for after all of this ends. We had weekly Alpha meetings to make sure everyone was okay and their packs were getting on with each other. We came to the conclusion that we would train as hard as possible. It's better to be over prepared than not enough. Until we got word from Sax that they were on the move we weren't going to move. Some wolves that didn't like being here kept saying that we should take the war to them now. I understood their frustrations and where they were coming from but it's better to fight them on our land than theirs where they could have god knows what.

There were some discussions about opening up the school to lessons as the children were missing out on an education. We decided to open up part of the school but I didn't want people to get into a routine and get comfortable with being here as this was only meant to be temporary. I tried to make sure everyone was getting along and had a lot of social gatherings at the pack house for everyone to come together and build up a relationship. When we go to war, we need everybody trusting each other and making sure they have each other's back. Also, we are a community as a whole, so to have packs not get on with each other is counterproductive. The difference between us and the rogues is the rogues can train to fight twenty-four seven, exactly like an army does. Us however, we all had lives, we had families to take care of. We didn't have the luxury of training every minute of every day so we had to rely and trust one another.

Every day I would walk around and use my senses to know what was going on. There were wolves that clashed so I made a point to keep them apart as much as possible. Having Alcide and I both with a strong Alpha command came in handy quite a few times. Everything was running as smooth as it could with so many wolves in one place at one time. The Alpha's were a lot of help. They all came to understand the severity of the situation, especially after meeting the hunters. I was out in the pack garden training with Brad one sunny afternoon. We were blindfolded again talking through how to fight like this to a few other wolves that wanted to up their training. All of a sudden, I felt this presence coming toward the territory. I knew Alcide felt it as well and left his office to come and get me. I stopped what I was doing and went to meet Alcide half way.

"Why are they here Milly?" Alcide asked as we made our way to the front of the pack house and out the door.

"I have no idea." I replied. I could feel the curiosity of everyone around us, wondering what was going on. I told them all to go about their business as usual. We carried on until we were just inside the boarder when we saw three jeeps coming down the road. They slowed down as they got closer to us before coming to a stop.

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