Chapter 18

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~Milly's POV~

My whole body felt like it was on fire. As if the blood going through my veins was bubbling and boiling from the heat. I couldn't even twitch a single muscle because that would cause the pain to be so much worse, which I didn't even think possible. I could feel the tears streaming down my face which would dry up quickly from the heat of my skin. I have no idea where I am or who is around me. All I could hear was the blood rushing through my ears and a high-pitched ring. I couldn't open my eyes; the pain was too bad. I just laid there and wished this pain was over as soon as possible. Time meant nothing to me. Ten minutes could have passed, ten days could have passed, I have no idea.

~Alcide's POV~

I sat in my office with my head in my hands. Everything's a bit hectic at the moment. Gray's pack was attacked yesterday in the early hours of the morning. I haven't slept since Milly woke me up. My pack helped them as much as they could, whether that was helping wrap up their wounds or letting them stay in their houses. Gray and his son spent the night in the infirmary probably wanting to be closer to Milly. Things are going to get rough in this pack. Not only my Dad and I being Alphas but with Gray and his son being here too. Four Alphas in one territory. Things are going to get pretty heated.

Milly's still unconscious. She whimpers and moans constantly. There's nothing any of us can do for her. The doctors have tried injecting pain killers in her but her body burns them off too quickly and now her skin has become impenetrable. Every time they try to stick a needle in her, the needle breaks. I wish there was some way I could help her. It breaks my heart seeing her like this. I just want her to be okay again.

The pack was busy moving everybody houses. All the ones that lived closer to the border was moving closer to the pack house, or in the pack house and those that weren't moving was helping everybody else move. We managed to get all the humans in town to leave quicker than expected, it definitely wasn't safe for them to stay living here anymore. I made Ryan and John put up road blocks about a mile outside the territory so we don't get any humans passing through. We can't jeopardize their safety.

Most of Gray's pack was healed or on their way to healing and were out the infirmary. I'd have to have a meeting with the other Alphas and decide where to go from here. I hate sitting and waiting but we don't know what the rogues are planning next. Maybe we should phone up the other Alphas. See what they're planning.

I hate this. Being completely in the dark, not knowing what's going on.

I sighed and stood up. I wonder how Milly's doing now. I wonder what's wrong with her? I made my way into the infirmary and into Milly's room. There was a nurse there writing something on a clipboard. She looked up at me when I came in then lowered her eyes out of respect.

"How is she?" I asked quietly.

"No change really. She still has a temperature and we can't really do much but check her breathing and heart rate cause her skin keeps breaking the needles. If anything changes, you'll be the first to know." I nodded my head then sat in the chair next to her bed. I leaned my elbows on my knees and just watched her chest move up and down faster than normal.

I heard the door click and knew the nurse left me to be alone with her. She whimpered and a tear fell down her face. I was so worried. How long is she going to be like this? What's even wrong with her? I felt my eyes burn with unshed tears. Her skin was ghost white, which was surprising seeing as how hot her temperature was. I could see the glow of sweat covering her skin. She's losing a lot of fluids and there's no way we can put them back in. We've tried pouring water down her throat but she coughs it straight back up. How she is still alive I don't know.

Looking at her now, she looked so much younger. I felt my lip twitch in a smile remembering her as a child, before the accident. She was such a cute kid. I remember one of the main reasons I became friends with Ryan was to get closer to Milly. I thought she was the most adorable thing in the world. Her eyes always had a shine to them and they just lit up the room. After the accident, Ryan was so angry that he lost his parents. I thought I was being a loyal friend to him having his back through his heart break. Ryan and I, we never bullied her but we never stopped the bullies, so we were just as bad as them.

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