Chapter 19

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When I woke up again Alcide was already awake and got the nurse to come check me over. From what she could tell everything was fine but it was hard to tell seeing as they still couldn't penetrate my skin. She suggested I stay in bed for the next couple of days and I just agreed to get rid of her. Not in a harsh way, I just wanted out of this room and knew she would fight me on it. I felt fine. In fact, I felt better than fine. I felt the best I have ever felt since I can remember.

When she left, I asked Alcide to go grab me some food because I was hungry. Once he left the room, I threw the covers off me and got out of bed. I was worried that I'd still be in pain or too weak after whatever it was that happened. I stood up and felt no pain. Okay, so far so good. I bounced on my legs a bit and there was still no pain. I slowly took a step and then another and then another. No pain. Good. I strolled out the room and kept and ear out to make sure no one was around. When I was at the bottom of the stairs I ran into my room. I quickly threw off the hospital robe and jumped in the shower.

The feeling of the hot water running through my dirty hair and skin was like bliss. How long had it been since I last had a wash? I must be one smelly dog! Just as I grabbed my shampoo bottle, I heard Alcide shout my name.

'Calm down, will you? I'm just having a shower.' I said to him through the mind link.

'Where are you? You're meant to be on bed rest.' He demanded.

'My room. Duhh' He didn't reply, I took it as he's coming up here. After I finished showering, I wrapped a towel around me and walked back into my room. Alcide was sat on my bed and he head snapped up when I walked in. He slowly looked me up and down, twice, before growling.

"Stop that! I need to get dressed I don't need you perving on me." He looked at me wide eyed.

"Milly..." He said in an almost whisper.

"What?" I replied looking through my closet for something to wear.

"You just commanded me."

"No shit Sherlock. I didn't want you perving. I've literally just left the hospital." I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black tank top.

"No Milly, you aren't hearing me. You Alpha commanded me and I had to obey!" I glanced at him and frowned.

"What?" I asked confused.

"When you said 'stop that' it was an Alpha command and I had to obey it. I'm an Alpha Milly, Alpha commands don't work on me!" I looked at him blankly. I blinked a few times to make sure I understood what he was saying. A few seconds passed before a slow smile stretched on my face.

"So, you mean when I tell you to do something now, you have to do it?" His eyebrows scrunched up, "COOL!" I fist punched the air before picking out my underwear and going to get changed in the bathroom. I could hear him wondering around in my room before walking out and storming down the stairs. Bye then?

When I was dressed, I chucked my towels in the laundry basket and skipped down the stairs. I walked through the lounge area expecting it to be full of wolves but it was empty. Same with the kitchen and garden. Where the hell is everyone? I walked to the Alpha's office and I knew there was people in there. I opened the door and just walked straight in.

"Hello my fellow wolfie-sapiens. How are we all today?" Alcide, Ryan, Will, Alpha, his son and Brad were all sat around the room. They all just looked at me, some looking worried. "Well don't stop talking on my account." I said with a roll of the eyes. I walked over to Brad and sat sideways on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. "Missed youuuu! Where have you been Bradley Bear?" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. I love Brad, he's so comfy. His arms wrapped around me and hugged me tight.

*Book 1* Once In A Blue Moon *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now