Chapter 31

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Everything was go after that. I mind linked everyone telling them it's happening; the rogue army is on their way. The old people, mothers and children started to take their supplies and make their way over to hide out in the cave on the cliff. Alpha's were shouting orders at their pack members, getting their gear ready. Some people, myself included, went go get changed into easier clothes to move in that we can shred when we turn into a wolf. There was a lot of hugging and kissing and I love you's. I could smell the cortisol in the air from everyone's stress.

Weapons were clanging about, guns and ammo was getting loaded, drivers were getting in their cars, medics were prepping tables and first aid before they all came to the front of the pack house to wait for further instruction. I had this over whelming feeling that something just wasn't right. Why now? Why have they decided to attack now?

"You ready?" Alcide and Brad walked into Alcide's office.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I picked up my Sai's and placed them down the back of my leggings. We made our way out to the front of the pack house where everyone was waiting for us.

"I just want to take this moment to thank you all. This is going to be tough and I don't want to promise that we are all going to make it out alive and be okay because I honestly don't know. I'm grateful for you all joining me on this battle. I know it's been hard and it's about to get harder but if we look after one another I know we can win." There were a few cheers. "I'm going to connect us all so we all have the link with each other. Throughout this fight we are one pack; we are all connected. Communication with one another is key for us to win." As I was talking, I was breaking down the barrier that the packs had so we could all be linked as one. "Something I have to ask of you. You might see your friends and loved ones meet a terrible fate. No matter what you have to keep fighting. We have to end this war no matter what. That split second of heart ache cannot consume you. Your mate might get hurt in this fight but whatever you do, do not falter. We need everyone's individual strength. We can grieve after, but first. They have to pay!" I growled out at the end. Everyone cheered making a lot of noise.

"Let's go!" I punched my fist in the air. Everyone cheered again and I could feel the energy rolling off of everyone. People parted ways going to their respective place. Sax told us they would be coming from the north east so a group of us made our way there. Some people were going to head north and attack them from the side and another from the east. The council members got their stealth team to wait a few miles out of town to attack them from behind so we had them surrounded. We had no idea what their numbers were or what their fighting skills were like so we had to be prepared for anything.

North east of the territory was a tiny abandoned town. Well, it was more of a road with shops on either side. As it was just outside the territory Alcide got all the humans to move away just in case. It was about a forty-minute walk away so us on the front line made our way over with Alcide, Brad and I leading the way. I could tell Brad was nervous but that was because he was leaving Lucy behind. We couldn't have her fighting. First, she isn't a fighter and we need her powers. She can't die in battle today. I looked up at the sky as the sun was slowly going down creating a pastel coloured evening. Everything was getting covered in an orange hugh making it look more beautiful.

Alcide took my hand and sent all his love to me through the link. I smiled up at him and did the same. Through the link I then found everybody I deeply cared about. Brad, Michael, Gray, Ryan, Rose, Lucy, Mitch, Ant, Harry, Dave, Will, everyone from my pack. I sent them love and my best wishes for all of them. I then found everybody else. I sent them all love and hope and positivity letting them know that whatever happened, we were all going to be okay and that we had each other.

I thought back through my whole life, being with my parents, their tragic end, being the omega, meeting the midnight pack and becoming strong, finally rekindling with my brother and Alcide and now this. I felt like my whole life had led up to this point, this was it. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. It was me they were after and if it was up to me there wouldn't be anyone else fighting however, I couldn't take on a whole army by myself. Maybe if I can get to Boone and kill him first, I can end this quickly.

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