Chapter 8

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With Alpha gone the work load was put on to me. I put Mitch and Ant head of training the majority of the pack and I spent most of my time in the Alphas office. They were getting behind on all the paper work and needed help. It took me a while to get into the flow of things because not only was there a hell of a lot of things to do with them being a huge pack but they also done things differently from how Gray did them. 

It also didn't help that there was almost double the people in this pack from when I was here due to people finding their mates and having children. It was just Will and I in his office going through everything and he kept apologising for letting everything get so far behind and how he should have been helping Alcide and Ryan. When Alpha told me what I had to do with him gone and how far behind they were I was expecting the worst but it wasn't really that bad. Alpha was able to catch them up quite a bit. I've only been doing this for a couple of hours today seeing as Alpha left yesterday. They were only a few months behind.

The majority of the paper work is the packs own individual businesses. William either part owns them, has shares or invests in their companies to stop them from going under and to make sure everyone in his pack has enough money to have happy, stable life styles. It would only take a few days to catch up at the most and then about an hour every day from then on, just keeping an eye on all the different businesses, making sure they're getting on okay, that they're getting the right things done and regular check-ups, that nothing illegal is happening, that sort of thing. 

At lunch time Alcide came in to give us some lunch and help out a bit before he got called away. Training was going on outside later that afternoon and I could hear that Mitch was having some problems with someone.

"Excuse me Will, I'll be back shortly. Someone's misbehaving." My jaw was tight as I left and I kept clinching my fists. Hasn't this pack learnt already to do as they're bloody told? I walked out the back door to see everybody watching an argument between Mitch and that blonde chick that was always hanging onto Alcide when we first got here. "What's going on? Why isn't anyone training?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"Oh Mills, thank god you're here! This bimbo seems to have got it into her head that she doesn't need to train because she's never going to fight." Mitch replied. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"How'd you figure that out?" I asked her

"Because I will find my mate and he will protect me, duhh!"

"So, have you found your mate?"

"Ermm.. Not yet."

"So, what if there's a rogue attack in, say like half an hour? What are you going to do then?"

"Ally will protect me!" She said with a malice grin. My eyes flickered to Alcide and I fought the smile that was trying to break out over the fact she called him Ally which seemed to annoy him.

"Is that so? Well what if you're walking somewhere? Say if you were out shopping? Going to a friend's house? And you were by yourself, when all of a sudden," I faked gasped and put a hand in front of my mouth in mock surprise, "Rogues come out of nowhere and started to attack you. Who would help you then?"

"I'm sure someone in the pack will be nearby to help me out" She said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. I heard some of the pack scoff from behind her. I walked over and stood in front of her. I noticed I was slightly taller than her. I slapped her round the face, no stronger than a human would, and she gasped in surprise. She looked at me with her mouth still gaping open. I slapped her again but a little bit harder.

"Why are you hitting me?!" She shrieked stepping back. I didn't answer, I just stepped forward and hit her again. It was quite satisfying to see her with one bright red cheek, one her normal tanned colour. "Stop that!" she whined. I hit her again, this time with a fair amount of strength behind it and she fell over. I bent down and picked her back up by her hair and she whimpered.

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