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The air suddenly seemed a little too thin while Daphnes heart hammered against her rib cage so loud, she think he might hear it. If he noticed, he doesn't say because his right arm curls around her waist and digs into my upper thigh. The sensation of his tight grip was completely intoxicating, and she couldnt hold back the small gasp that slips past her lips. He chuckled low, turning to place his face at her neck, breathing her in, nipping at her sensitive skin, while his other hand passed over the thin fabric of the dress, dropping it to the floor.

'Would you stay? Just a bit longer?' Daphnes questioned wrapping herself around him.

'Anything for you.' he mumbled pulling her closer. He looked to the night stand and picked up the book with one hand. 'Veil of winter.' he read the cover. 'Whats this about?' She adjusted in his arms laying her back against him as she got in between his legs.

'I dont know.' she admitted taking the book from him. 'Theres alot of words i dont know i cant make out a proper story from it and not many of the women here can read and those that do dont spend their free time teaching.' Daphne told him.

'Read it for me.' Sandor said wrapping his arms around her tighter and kissing her neck

'Im not a good reader sandor.' She told him

'I know how to read he told her. Ill teach you.' Sandor informed her.

'You would? You would do that?' She questioned turning to face him.

'If it gets me more time with you then yes. Anything to never leave this room. Never leave your side.' sandor told her. 'Go on open it up and start from the beginning.' Her words were unsteady and unsure but sandor didnt correct her or rush her, just running his hands up and down her body. But then she paused he opened his eyes kissed her neck and looked a the word she was pointing at.

'Muted.' he told her

'Like a mute? Cant talk?' Daphne questioned taking note of the spelling.

'Yeah like a mute.' Sandor agreed.

'Mu-ted mu-ted muted. Okay.' She continued on. 'Ignore... ig- no thats um.' She looked back at him. Sandor leaned forward kissed her neck and looked to the word she was stuck on

'Ignorance.' he told her

'Ignorance. Is that like ignore?'

'Its like not knowing stuff.' Sandor corrected

'So... lets see...' she thought of how to use it in a sentence. 'Like if i said i am ignorance to reading ?'

'Ignorant.' he corrected.

'But i thought you said ignorance?'

'Words get changed a bit to fuck up everything.' sandor told her.

'I am ignorant to proper speech to apparently.' daphne added sadly.

'No. Youre doing great. Honestly. I had tutors when i was little and teachers. I dont use much of what i learned anymore-'

'What do you do? You wear the royal colors some nights.' Daphne noted

'Still havent asked around about me?'

'Why ask others when i can get it straight from the source.' she informed him.

'Yeah i work in the palace.' He informed her

'What do you do?'

'Keep reading daphne.' So she went on.

'Song... song...' she paused again sandor leaned forward kissed her neck and looked at the word she was pointing at.

'Songstress.' he told her


'Songstress like a singer.' He told her leaning back hands continued on their journey.

'Thats pretty. Like a mistress of song!' Daphne exclaimed and sandor liked her smile.

'Yeah flower like a mistress of song.'

Whore // Sandor Clegane // Tryion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now