i warned you, Tyrion

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Daphne was helping sansa change when a handmaiden came in the room

'Lady Sansa, Lord Tyrion is here to see you.' she said and Daphne quickly redressed the girl

'I beg your pardon my lady.' tyrion said come into the room

'I beg your pardon my lord,' sansa countered. 'I was just trying on the ground for King Joffrey's wedding.'

'Yes it should be quite a wedding I need to speak with you lady sansa.....' His eyes moved to daphne.

'Of course.' Sansa agreed.

'Alone if I may?' Tyrion questioned again his gaze moving to daphne. Daphne didn't move though she looked at sansa, making sure she was comfortable being alone with a man.

'It's all right Daphne but I do trust her even though she tells me not to.' sansa informed Tyrion.

'Sometimes... We think we want to hear some thing it's only afterward when it is too late that we realize we wish we heard it under entirely different circumstances.' Tyrion said awkwardly.

'It's all right really.' sansa encouraged

'How to begin...' tyrion said closing the door, 'well this is awkward.'


'Pretty not really my style though.' Daphne told him

'Solid gold straight from Lannister ports Smiths in Castlery rock.' Tyrion informed her.

'Golden chains...' daphne fingered the jewelry.

'You could buy a ship with this.' he offered

'Do I need to ship? Am I going somewhere?' daphne questioned concerned.

'Of course you're not going anywhere.' Tyrion reminded her

'So am I invited to your wedding?' daphne teased.

'I didn't ask for this marriage I didn't want it.'

'I know.' Daphne told him 'but she is beautiful and she is young. Perhaps this will be good.' Daphne suggested 'you can give her some protection from the rest of your family.'

'This is duty not desire-'

'I know Tyrion.' but he wasn't hearing her

'I don't have a choice.' he told her 'my father-'

'He does not rule the world.' Daphne reminded him with a laugh.

'Is this funny to you? I am Tyrion of Castlery rock I have a duty and obligation I can't just say no to him.' Tyrion pleaded he didn't see that she was no mad, not jealous, but laughing because he simply wasn't listening.

'And I am Daphne the funny whore.' she said smiling down at him

'I will marry Sansa Stark I will do my duty to her.'

'Will I always be a chambermaid emptying pots?'

'I swear I will not be like that-'

'I like Sansa she's a sweet girl once she got to know me that is... she was scared I don't mind being a handmaiden for the rest of my life it's a lot better than my previous occupation.' Daphne joked.

'I could buy you a good home somewhere in the city? guards to keep you safe and servants! I could provide you with find clothes and fine jewels... Any children we might have would be well provided for-'

'woah!' daphne said stopping him. 'Children? No no no tyrion I do not want children with you.' She informed him. 'you are a kind man with a big heart but do you think I want children who would be killed in their sleep by their grandfather for just being born? If you ever found out about them....'

'Please listen to me my lady' Tyrion begged.

'I am not your lady'

'You are though,' Tyrion told her 'you will always be my lady'

'I am your whore... I warned you from the start not to fall in love with me.' she smiled before kissing his cheeks leaving.

Whore // Sandor Clegane // Tryion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now