Dont trust anyone

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They were walking back from the sept when the townspeople started complaining that they were hungry begging the king for help. Joffrey ignored their pleas but then they started throwing dung at him. He became furious very quickly. Daphne heard of Joffrey screaming to kill them all sandor scooped up the king bringing him quickly back to the palace, the royal family behind ushered in quickly while daphne and sansa got swept up in the madness. Sandor dragged in Joffrey but Tyrion looked around for Daphne and sansa but they nowhere in sight.

'Where is she? where is she? where is Sansa?' Tyrion questioned. Joffrey ignored him his own head spinning from the almost attack. 'If she dies you never get your uncle Jaime back and he did a lot for you!' Tyrion reminded Joffrey. But he ran away scared. 'take some men and go find the stark girl and-' tyrion demanded.

'I don't take orders from you imp, I take them from the king.' Meryn spat.

Sandor knew why Tyrion was really worried, he didn't see daphne either. He stomped back outside.

'back off.' Daphne warned she gripped the blade from sandor in her hand, slashing it through the air at them. she kept sansa behind her. she sliced the mans face as he got closer.

'bitch!' he shouted, they were surrounded quickly but daphne held her blade tight, as sansa sobbed into her.

'I wont let them hurt you.' Daphne told her.

'we aint gonna hurt you, we just want to have some fun.' He sneered, running his tongue over his yellow teeth.

'no thanks.' Daphne said nervously as they got closer. They grabbed sansa from behind her she shouted out at daphne sliced and stabbed uselessly. One man got a hold of her wrist smashing it against the wall the blade clattered to the ground.

Sandor heard the screams stabbing the first man through the chest, his grip on daphnes neck dropped as he collapsed to the flood. Daphne dropped as well gasping for breath. The other men stared at sandor as he came closer, still pulling at sansa, as she thrashed in their arms helplessly. Sandor tore them down easy enough. sansa lay terrified on the ground their dead attackers around her.

'sansa?' daphne questioned still trying to collect her bearings. Sandor picked up her blade, handing it back to her silently. He brought a gentle hand up to her neck. 'I'm okay.' She told him, squeezing his hand. He nodded but his face was pinched with anger. 'sansa?' she sat shaking paralyzed with fear.

'I got her,' sandor said picking sansa up like a sack of potatoes, he kept a hand on daphne they moved quickly.

'Little birds bleeding see her back to her cage,' sandor said after delivering her to safety.

'Good work Clegane.' Tyrion said looking over to Daphne she was rattled but she was alright... she was alright wasn't she? She wouldn't look at him, she kept her eyes on sansa.

'I didnt do it for you.' Sandor said look to daphne before heading back to work.

"I thought they were going to kill us." Sansa was still shaken up about what happened earlier.

"They thought they were." Daphne answered as she dabbed a wet cloth to Sansa's skin.

"They hated us. That man. He doesn't even know us but I saw it in his eyes. He hated us. He never met us before but he wanted to hurt us." Sansa had never been hated by anyone in Winterfell, she was loved. But these people wanted to rape her and kill her.

"Of course he did." Daphne rung out the rag as Sansa's head was spinning, trying to make sense of everything. "You are everything he will never have. Your horses eat better than his children. It doesn't matter now. He's dead... thank God for Sandor"

"I would have given them bread if I had it. I hate the King more than any of them." daphne hushed sansa quickly.

"You must not say that." daphne told her "If the wrong people heard you-" Sansa cut her off though.

"But you're not the wrong people." Sansa reminded her.

"Don't trust anyone. Life's easier that way." 

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