You have shit memory

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After the battle of black water///

'Tyrion...' Daphne sat on the edge of his bed his face bound with bandages from the battle

'It was good of you to come good to me.' Tyrion said stiffly, making daphne laugh.

'good of me? Of course I came.' Daphne told him. 'I want to see you.' she told him reaching out for his bandage

'Believe me you don't.' Tyrion told her swiping her hand away

'Have you looked?' he shook his head. 'I will be the first.' he shook his head 'I will be the first then.' Daphne repeated, gently pulling at the bandages un-wrapping it around his head until the scar was visible, a slash across his face.

'Well?' Tyrion questioned.

'You are a mess.' Daphne told him softly

'I am a monster as well, you should charge me double .' Tyrion informed her trying to maintain his composure but all he wanted was to cry.

'Do you honestly think I'm here for money Tyrion?' daphne questioned appalled that he thought she didn't even care about him.

'That was the arrangement we made.' Tyrion reminded her 'I pay you and you lie to me.'

'Oh I'm a poor little rich man and no one loves me so I make jokes all the time.' Daphne told him sarcastically 'so I pay them to laugh.... Fuck your money.' Daphne told him. 'I care about you Tyrion.'

'you do?' he questioned.

'do you not care about me? was I just sex to you?' daphne questioned.

'of course not.' Tyrion assured her.

'so why would you think it any different for me? you are my friend Tyrion. I don't have many of those. I like to keep the ones I do.'

'thank you.' Tyrion said softly he reached for her hand.

'You're not safe here I think you should leave, go somewhere or you will be safe.' Daphne told him


'They tried to kill you they will try again.' Daphne reminded him 'going into wars and fighting soldiers you're terrible at this clearly look at the state of you... you can take a boat to pentose Pinto and never look back you don't belong here.'

'what would we do in pintos?' Tyrion teased.

'You,' she clarified. 'you could do whatever you want you could eat you could drink live.' Daphne told him

'You wouldn't come with me?'

'You don't love me Tyrion, you made that very clear just a moment ago. Thinking I was only here for money,' his face pinched with sadness. 'you need to start a new life on your own somewhere where the Lannister name is not corrupted.'

'I want to leave with you.' he told her

'Your father your sister all these bad people cannot stop you if you leave. They will not follow you they have bigger things to worry about.'

'Bigger.' Tyrion teased

'Forget about them and be safe.' Daphne pleaded.

'I can't.... I do belong here.' he told her 'these bad people this is what I'm good at, out talking them, out thinking them, it is what I am and I like it here.' tyrion told her sadly 'I like it more than anything I've ever done. Are you going to leave?'

'Do you have a shit memory I am yours and you are mine.' Daphne rested her head on his chest and he hugged her tight crying into her hair

Whore // Sandor Clegane // Tryion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now