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'Daphne talk to me.' Sandor begged. Tyrion was in a cell. Sansa was missing so daphne stayed with sandor hidden away in his room.

'I think im pregnant sandor.' Daphne admitted the hand that was trailing up and down her back stopped. He looked down to her but her face was buried in his chest.

'Mine or...'

'I dont know.' she admitted quietly. 'I hope its yours.' she told him honestly, finally looking up to him. 'I hope its yours.' she repeated

'It better be mine.' sandor grumbled running a hand over her stomach there was indeed a little bump. He hadnt noticed it before but he also wasnt thinking baby when he saw her stomach grow her body change he loved her every curve. 'You should see a maester.' sandor told her

'And tell them what? That-'

'You are pregnant and need an exam.' Sandor finished

'I am an unwed previous handmaiden to a woman that was accused of joffreys murder. They are going to think im apart of it and kill me too.' Daphne reminded him.

'No no they... shit.' she was right. 'Fine no maesters and imp doesnt find out. He doesn't know does he?'

'No he doesn't know. Ive been in denial since I had my first suspicions.' Daphne informed him. 'But Tyrion is going to notice sooner or-'

'No because the imp is going to die. The queen bitch wants him dead already.' Sandor reminded her.

'What if its not yours?' Daphne questioned softly

'It will be mine.' he informed her

'But if-'

'I will love it. Not as much as i love you but i will.' Sandor assured her.

'Maybe we should leave? Run away? Or would that make us look guilty?' Daphne pondered

'I dont know. Let me think about it. Figure out a plan.' Sandor told her holding her close her head rested on his chest her hand tracing along his stomach. A quiet moment passed before sandor rolled her on her back and lifted her night dress his face at her stomach.

'Alright youre gonna be mine. Dont come out a blonde little shit-' daphne gripped his hair giving it a playful pull his eyes wandered up to her before kissing her stomach. 'Brown hair like your mama and me.' Sandor demanded it, holding her waist fingers circling her.

'I love you sandor.' Daphne reminded him. 'I love you so much. I think you are going to be a wonderful father.' Sandor kissed her stomach once more before laying down next to her she draped her legs over his curling into him

Sandor smiled down at her kissing her head he watched her fall asleep content in his arms. She was right. They had to get out of here. It wasnt safe. It never was but it really wasnt now. Not with a baby. Not with the imp on trial.

Whore // Sandor Clegane // Tryion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now