Love at first sight...

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Five years later

'DJ get your arse over here!' Sandor grumbled as she hung upside on a tree branch giggling

'Catch me daddy catch me!' she yelled flipping to the ground before running around, sandor smiled as he chased after her. his long strides were nothing compared to her little legs he scooped her up flipping her upside down in his arms she shrieked with laughter.

'come on, love. Time for bed.' he informed her kissing her stomach still upside down in his arms.

'read me a story?' Dj questioned after she got changed for the night.

'what story?' she ran to her book shelf, sandor had already been teaching her to read, Dj loved books just like her mother. She was also becoming a skilled archer. Sandor was keeping his promise he was going to love this girl and show her everything, teach her everything and make sure she knew she was loved. DJ opened the book but promptly closed it.

'tell me how you met mom again?' DJ requested.

'you know that story little one.' Sandor reminded her.

'I am named after the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world, so what if I want to hear it again?' Dj questioned leaning into him.

'Daphne Rose Jr... my little DJ' sandor said holding her close, kissing her head. 'your mother... the original Daphne, which is why you are so great.' Sandor informed her. 'you got her looks and her charm and my blade skills perhaps.' Sandor teased. 'my baby girl, when I met your mother it was love at first sight.'

Whore // Sandor Clegane // Tryion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now