A trick

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'You will be pleased to know that our mutual friend is doing quite well in lady sansa's service.' Varys said to tyrion.

'Good,' Tyrion answered 'one of my better ideas.'

'And it seems the grandmaster has found himself into a black cell? Well played my Lord hand but should I be worried? Splynt and now Pycelle the small council grows smaller every day.'

'Counselors have a reputation for serving past tense poorly. I don't mean to follow ned stark to the grave.' Tyrion told him.

'Power is a curious thing my Lord. Are you fond of riddles?'

'Why am I about to get one?'

'Three great men sit in a room a king a priest and a rich man between them stand a common sell sword each great man lets the sell sword kill the other two. Who lives and who dies?' varys questioned him.

'Depends on the sell sword' Tyrion told him.

'It doesn't, he's neither Crown, nor gold, nor favor with the gods.' Varys told him.

'He has a sword the power of life and death.' Tyrion went on.

'But if it's swordsman who rule why do we pretend kings have all the power? When Ned stark lost his head who is truly responsible? Joffrey? The executioner or someone else?' Varys questioned.

'I've decided I don't like riddles.' tyrion said

'Power resides where men believe it lies' Varys informed him 'It's a trick, a shadow on the wall and a very small man can cast a very large shadow.'


'Sansa starks handmaiden?' sandor questioned.

'look at us, both working, doing reputable jobs.' She added.

'your newfound lady likeness isn't going to keep you from fucking me is it?' sandor questioned as she placed a small hand on his large chest guiding him to the bed.

'what do you think?' she questioned falling on top of him as she pulled at his clothes, lips attacking his. 

Whore // Sandor Clegane // Tryion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now