my baby

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Age: just born

Wanda's pov

"Two more big pushes and she's here darling" I hear Vision saying to me as I fall back with tears of pain in my eyes

"I can't-i can't keep pushing" I say crying "I've been pushing for hours, I can't do this anymore" I look at Vis "it hurts i-i can't"

"Wanda, you have to push or your baby could get hurt" the doctor says making me realize that I'm hurting my baby

"Darling you are the strongest woman in the universe" he says to me gently squeezing my arm "right now our baby needs you , Two more big pushes and you'll hold her in your arms you'll look at her you'll hear her voice" he kiss my hand "you can do this"

"Wanda Time to push" the doctor tells me, I grab visions hand take a deep breath and push as hard as I can "push as hard as you can wanda one last time"

I push with all the power I have and fall back with tears of happiness hearing my daughters cries

"You did it my love she's beautiful" vision tells me not being able to take his eyes off the baby

"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl" the doctor says gently giving me my baby

"H,  I've waited long time to meet you"
i say gently rocking her

"She looks just like you darling" he kiss my ,making me smile more than I could

"Do you have a name?" The doctor asks

"Ye, Vivienne" I look at vis who also can not stop smiling and looking at her

"hello Vivienne I'm your Dada" he gently kiss her head not wanting to take her from my arms

A few hours later

"How are you feeling" nat asks looking at Viv in her crib next to my bed

"I don't care cause i get the most beautiful baby" I say looking at Viv sleeping

"You should rast wan" nat says as she gets up and goes to the door "I'll see you later Wan"

"Darling go rast you didn't sleep for 25 hours" he says as he's striking my hair which makes me fall asleep slowly

"So what you didn't sleep too" I'm saying trying to stay awake

"True but i didn't have contractions for 23 hours and then giving birth for 2 hours and having bad sleep for 2 months"

"Ok i get your point" I say and immediately fall asleep

The next thing I know is that I'm woken up to loud crying ,I look up to see vis standing rocking Viv

"Vis" I say in a sleepy voice reaching out my arms for vis to give me Vivienne

"I'm sorry dear for waking you up" he says gently passing Viv to me and sitting next to me

"It's ok it's not your fault" I say gently rocking her and failing to calm her down "i think i know whats the problem" I say positioning Viv and myself pulling my nightgown down

It took a few minutes for Viv to latch on
and a few more to understand what to do ,she started to slowly suck

"You ok dear?" Vis asks me

"Yes it feels weird but good weird" I say looking at Viv and smiling at how cute and small she is

It's been 20 minutes so I made her latch off which cost a few whining sounds from her I positioned myself and Viv again and made her latch on the other side

"She is perfect looks like you" vis says getting closer to my and Viv ,I put my head on his shoulder

Two days later

"Ok" I sign as vis pulls at the towers driveway

"It will be alright dear" vis puts his hand on my thigh

"I'm not worried about everyone I'm worried about how Viv is going to react to everyone" I say as I Strok her little red hair

"Let me dear" Vis says as he takes all the bags and Viv in her car seat

The second he lifts the car seat she starts crying ,I quickly pick her up
And she snuggles into my chest

"It's ok Vis i get her" i say as we walk inside the elevator

"It's ok shhh it's ok mama's here shhh" I rock her gently "Vis can you please give me her pacifier" I say trying to calm her down before we enter the tower

"Shhh it's ok" I put the pacifier in her mouth, she snuggles into my chest hiding her head in my chest

We walk inside I'm behind vis walking much slower

"Vision i think you forgot wanda and the baby" Sam says not seeing me behind vis

I laugh going in front of vis "he didn't forget anyone" I look at Viv seeing she fell asleep "hi sam i would have hug you but i can't" I say sitting carefully so I won't wake her up

"How are you?" Steve askes looking at sleeping Viv

"I'm recovering slowly but I'm ok" I say seeing how everyone want to know if it's a boy or a girl ,name, and to see her

I laugh carefully positioning her in my arms so they can see her

"Her name is Vivienne" I say seeing Tony giving money to Sam and Thor
"You bet on her gander?"

"Yes i lost 40 bucks" Tony comes closer with a box in his hands "she looks like you this is for you and some stuff for her" he smiles "Congratulations"

"Thank u tony you didn't have to" I see Nat's dying to hold Viv ,I patted next to my and she sat "here i saw it"

She took Viv so gently and barely breath "natasha breath" I tell her so she wouldn't choke to death

"She's so tiny" Peter says looking at Viv "how did she take so much space" he says not thinking about the fact that he kind of called me fat

Tony comes closer to Peter to protect him just In case "It's ok tony i won't attack him" I say seeing Peter realizing his mistakes

"No-no-no-no-no I didn't mean it like that i-" Tony put a hand on Peters mouth "shh kid"

"It's ok Peter i understand you" I say laughing at what happened

"Wan" I look at nat to see that Vivienne is moving and fussing

Really fast the fussing turns to crying

I gently take Viv from nat "shhh it's ok what's the matter" I rock her gently " I'll see you later guys Thank u" I slowly make my way to the nursery

"Shhh it's ok shhh" I check her diaper "that's not what bothering you" I sit on one of the sofa chairs "maybe your hungry" I lift my shirt up and my bra down "i can't do more than that" I try to make her latch on but she doesn't want to "what else" I start to freak out

"It's ok" I feel someone gently taking Viv from me "I'm here darling"

"I don't know what she wants vis" I say about to cry

"I read somewhere that some times they just want skin to skin" he says to me gently giving me Viv

"I'll try that" I sit on the singler sofa taking my shirt and bra off

She almost immediately calmes down

I giggle "all of that just for snuggles" I say looking at Viv "Thank u darling" I look at vis

"Your not supposed to thank me every time I'm Viviennes dad I'm involved as much as you dear, I'm here for you to boss me around" he laughs "I'm here for you and viv" he kiss my head
"Were at this together"

Wanda's daughter Where stories live. Discover now