1 month old

310 11 0

Vision's pov

10 am

I wake up seeing wanda is still asleep I look at the time and see that we need to get up and go

I gently stroke Wanda's cheek to try and wake her up

"Darling it's 10 am you need to wake up" I calmly and quietly say

She groans turning on her back

I get up and see Viv had woken up , I pick her up and go to wanda

"Vivienne help me wake your mother up" I say putting Viv on Wanda's chest

Wanda places her hands on Viv, holding her so she wouldn't fall

"Don't use the baby on me" wanda says in a sleepy voice

Viv starters to fuss as she feels wanda but can't nurse

"Darling that's not me anymore i think Viv is hungry" I say stopping my game

Wanda sits on the bed and position Viv, she pulls her nightgown down and Viv latches on, wanda slowly opens her eyes looking at Viv

"Good morning my love" I say kissing Wanda's head

"Good morning Vis" she says looking at me

Wanda's pov

"Vis let's switch" I call Vis as Vivienne latchet off and needs to be burped

Vis comes taking Viv letting me get ready

I get ready and go to the nursery to take Viviennes stuff

"Vis can you change her please?" I ask as I take her pram

"Already did" he says walking into the nursery with Viv dressed in a dress

"Thank you" I say kissing Vis and putting Viv in her pram

12 pm

"Darling do you want to eat maybe" Vis asks me

"Yes I'm starving"

We walk to a nearby Cafe

"Hey do you have a table in the corner maybe" I ask as we have a pram and I'll need to feed Viv

We sit and I uncover the pram so Viv would slowly wake up, we order and talk

"Darling" Vis says pointing to the pram

I look at the pram to see Viv wiggling to be out of the baby swaddle

I open the swaddle to get a big baby stretch "ohh" I giggle "this is a big stretch" I say stroking Viv hair

"Good morning sunshine" Vis says kissing Vivs haed

I position Viv and cover myself I pull my dress and bra down and she latches on , getting closer to me

I sigh putting my head on Vis's shoulder, he kisses my cheek and pecks under the blanket , he kisses Vivs haed and fix the blanket

The food comes and Vis helps me eat as I don't really have the hands to eat my own food

"Wait she's done" I say feeling Vivs latch lose, I look under the blanket to see Vivs latchet off, I burp her and give her her pacifier

1 pm

"She's healthy over all ,she's a bit under weight so i do recommend breastfeeding more" the doctor tells us

"But everything else is good?" I ask wanting to confirm


"Ok , thank you" I say getting up with a sleeping Viv in my arms

I put Viv in her car seat and sit next to Vis

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