not breathing

428 9 3

Age: 6 months

Wanda's pov

I sit on the couch snuggled into Viss' side as Viv sits on my stomach, my knees support her head and back, we watch tv as Viv naps, I hear whimpering and look at Viv, she breathes fast and moves in her sleep a bit, I stroke her hair while shushing her, she whins a bit before waking up crying, she suddenly stops crying and I look at her to see she's struggling to breathe

"Vis she's not breathing!" I say

"What do you mean?!" He asks scared

I blow on her face to try and help her "Sweetheart breathe" I say before blowing on her face again


No response


No response


I feel my heart exploding as I see her little lips turn blue


I feel my tears going all over my face, burning my skin


Viv lets a loud scream out, snapping me back into reality

"Oh my god!" I cry kissing my baby's head "I thought I lost you" I cry, Vis kiss my head putting his hand on Vivs chest to make sure she ok

She falls asleep due to loss of oxygen and I put my hand on her chest, seeing it going up and down, I calm my breathing slowly as Vis strokes my hair

I spend the rest of my day with Viv on my chest, wanting to make sure she's breathing well

Sorry it's short, I have new parts coming soon

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