before you

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Wanda's pov

"We're married" I say as we walk down the aisle

The door closes behind us and we look at each other , he lenses down and kisses me softly , I kiss him back and pull him closer to me , he smiles against my lips and pulls away

"Not yet" he says making me whin like a toddler "don't worry we'll get to it later"
He says coming behind me and hugging me

"Ok fine" I say releasing my hair from the tight hairstyle I had "better?" I ask turning to Vis

He smiles at me and leans down kissing me once again

"Let's go" he says taking my hand

1 hour later

It's time for our first dance, vis comes giving me a hand and taking me to the dance floor

"Don't worry you look amazing" he says knowing I'm scared when everyone is looking at me

4 hours later

Everyone left except Nat

"I'll see you in a week" nat says hugging me tightly "have fun!" She yells as the car starts driving away

I look at Vis and lean on him feeling the happiest I've ever been feeling safe, feeling home

We get to our hotel and walk to our room

"The moment we walk in we're officially married" he says opening the door slowly

We walk in and I stop looking at him just trying to take the moment in

"Now i remember someone being very impatient about something" he says coming closer to me

I take my shoes off and look at Vis, and smirk a bit at his comment

"Oh do you mind telling me who that was?" I say slowly walking towards him

He grabs my waist pulling me to him

"I think you know" he says looking at me

"I do know" I say pulling him down to me kissing him

As we kiss i feel his hands slowly going down, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, he walks to the bed and he Lay me down, he tries to move but I tight my legs around his waist

"The door" he says

I lock the door with my powers and pull him to me

(You imagine what happened next...)

Some time later

We lay down trying to catch our breath, I turn to Vis and giggle, I snuggle into Vis putting my head on his chest , he hugs me moving some hair out of my face

"You ok love?" He asks looking at me

I look at him and kiss him "yah I'm great" I say smiling

"tomorrow we're going to our honeymoon" he says

"There's time until then" I say loving the moment

"What do you want to do?" Vis asks stroking my hair

"I say stay in bed and watch TV" I look at Vis

We watched a movie while cuddling naked , neither of us wanted to move

10 am

I wake up still laying on Vis's chest

"Good morning darling or should i say my beautiful wife" he says putting a huge smile on my face

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