you're not yourself

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Wanda's 34 weeks pregnant (8 months)

Vision's pov
11 am

"Vision enough! Leave me alone, I want to sleep" Wanda yells at me

I walk out of our room shocked and go to the nursery to finish asmbelin the crib, I hear a loud bang and quickly go to our bedroom

"Are you ok?!?" I ask thinking she might have fallen

"Yeah, my phone fall" she says trying to reach for her phone

I pick her phone up and she turns around going back to sleep

2 pm

I hear sobs and go to our bedroom, I look at Wanda and see all of her face is red from crying

"Darling what's wrong?" I ask

"I- I wanted to go to the bathroom, but- but I couldn't get up, and I-" she sobs

I look at the bed and see it's wet, she sobs harder and I sit next to her, she leans on me and I hug her, kissing her head

"Come on let's get you cleaned up love" I say

I help her clean and I change the bed sheets, She keeps crying as I change the bed

"Darling it's ok" I say kissing her head, she folds as much as she can and cries harder not being able to stop, I realize she's having a panic attack and lift her head up, so our eyes meet "Darling follow my breathing" I say, she nods and starts breathing like me, her breathing slow down and she leans on me silently crying "shh it's ok, it's ok my love" I coo stroking her hair, she calms down and hiccups a bit "better?" I ask her and she nods, I kiss her head and her breath even out, I put her back to sleep and walk to the kitchen to cook her something, as she didn't eat anything yet

6 pm

I sit next to Wanda as she gardens, she tries to reach something but can't because of her belly, She tries to use her powers but it doesn't work, I get up and she stops me

"No, I'll get it eventually" she says trying to band differently "why do my powers don't work!" She snaps accidentally throwing something with her powers "really?! MOTHER FUCKER!" She yells

"Darling, let me help" I say

"No, I can do things on my own!" she snaps at me "aw aw Vis, a shit, aw fuck" she hisses holding into her belly, I hold her and she squeezes my arm breathing heavily

"Darling let me help, you're pregnant" I say

She ignores me and walks to the elevator

7 pm

I walk into the nursery and see wanda sitting on her ball as she folds the baby's clothes, she carefully gets up and puts the clothes in place, she turns around and looks at me, she ignores me again and keeps cleaning

"Darling you want to eat something?" I ask walking to her, she doesn't answer so I decide to use the big guns, I walk behind her and carefully lift her bamp

"Oh god" she signs leaning back on me and griping the crib next to her, she breathes heavily and slowly relaxes "Thank you" I hear her quietly say

I carefully put her bump down and she sighs rubbing her belly, I put my hand on her belly and feel my daughter's harsh movement, Wanda makes a sore face and puts her hands on her back, leaning into her hands and doing some breathing, I rub the lower part of her belly and she moans softly gripping my arm

"Darling go lay down" I say stroking her cheek

"No, I need to finish here" she says

"I'll do it, go lay down you're in pain, just go rest"

"Ok" she quietly says

Wanda's pov

I lay in bed wearing underwear and Viss shirt, I lift my shirt so my belly is out, I look at my belly and gently rub it, I feel her moving and smile enjoying the feeling

Most of her moves hurt but some are really nice

Vis walks to the room with ice cream and a bag with something

"Is that ice cream?" I quietly ask looking at the bag

"Yes it is, but it will be yours if you'll stop behaving like a child and let others help you and start resting more" he says coming closer to me "can you promise me you'll let others help and rast more?" He asks

"I promise, please give me the ice cream" I practically beg

"Here you go Darling" he says kissing my head and giving me the ice cream

I immediately dig in and eat, he sits next to me and I can't help but wonder what's in the other bag

"What else did you buy?" I ask nodding my head to the bag

"Some stuff" he says

"What stuff?" I ask taking another spoon of ice cream into my mouth

"For you for her for us" he says and I nod "is the ice cream good?" He asks

"Yeah, thank you" I say

9 pm

"Can you help me please" I ask trying to get up

"Where are you going?" He asks helping me up

"To pee" I say and he chuckles, he helps me up and we walk back to the room

"You toke my favorite shirt" He says looking at his shirt

"Nothing fits, you get me pregnant with your child" I say looking at my bump

"You wanted it too" he says rubbing my belly

"I don't even have pants that fit" I complain "it's either a dress or your shirt and underwear" I say putting my hand on his "I have no pants, and yours are not good"

"We can go buy you pants tomorrow ok?" He says and I nod, he lifts my shirt and I hold it down to my boobs

"I'm not wearing a bra" I say

He kisses my belly and I start to get tired so I just lay down as he massages my belly

Ideas people, I need Ideas please

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