second trimester

170 5 0

Wanda's 25 weeks pregnant
A little smut

Vision's pov
10 am

I wake up and see Wanda's asleep, I quietly get up and go to the bathroom, I strip and step into the shower

As I'm washing my hair I hear the door to the bedroom being pushed open, I look and see a very tired Wanda

"Good morning love" I say and she gives a tired smile

She stands in my shirt, which is oversized for her, and underwear, her belly sticks out

"Are you going to join me, or you're just going to stand here" I ask and she chuckles before taking the shirt and underwear off

She steps into the shower and I kiss her head, I give her belly a little gentle rub and she looks at her belly

"Baby" she says putting her hand on mine

"Our baby" I say and she smiles leaning up to kiss

Wanda's pov

I deepen the kiss wanting more

Lately I've been really horny, I checked it and apparently it's normal and is healthy for me and the baby

"I'm really horny" I say pulling away a bit

"Here? You sure" Vis asks and I nod

4 pm

We're in a meeting, but all i can focus on is how Viss pans fit him, especially on his buddy

"Maximoff?" I hear Ross say

"She's too busy staring at Vision" Tony says and I immediately snap to look at him

"Fuck off Tony" I say

"It's not my fault that you don't pay attention" he says

Once the meeting is done I grab Viss hand and lead us to our room, I lock the door and kiss Vis, as we kiss I undress him

"Darling?" I interpret him by kissing him again, I take his shirt off and move to his pants, I start to whin a bit not being able to open his pants "Wanda?"

"Why won't dose stupid pants open!?" I snap

"Darling what are you doing?" He asks sitting on the bed and bringing me onto his lap

"I'm horny and want sex but your stupid pants won't open!!" I yell as tears fall down my cheeks

"You want to have sex again?"

"I'm pregnant and i want sex, i just want to have sex" I cry

Vision's pov

Wanda leans on me and cries, I just rub her back letting her calm down

To be onset the whole situation is wired, before Wanda got pregnant we would have sex 1-2 times a week, now we have sex almost every single day and a few times, to be onset I'm not always in the mood but I know Wanda's sex drive changed because of her hormones and she has harder time controlling them

I hear Wanda's breath even out and look to see she fell asleep, I take her skirt, top, and bra off and put her in one of my shirts, so she's comfortable, I put her in bed and close the windows and lights, I put my shirt back on and quietly leave the room

"She fell asleep?" Natasha asks

"Yeah, she had a bit of a break down and she fell asleep" I say

A bit of smut

11 pm

I hold into Wanda's waist as she moves front and back, she finds her spot and a moan escapes her lips, she grins that spot for a bit before I put my hands on her hips, she lifts herself up and slams down

"Fuck" she moans softly

She moves faster and I prepare myself to hold her while she rides her orgasm

"I'm so close" she whins a bit "oh! Oh fuck!, oh god! Oh! Oh! VIS!" She moans as she rides her orgasm

She was going to lay down on me, but considering she's pregnant I quickly turned us on the side so we're facing each other, I cuddle her and she relaxes slowly

"You feel better darling?" I ask rubbing her back, she nods

I was about to pull out but Wanda stopped me

"Stay, please" she asks

"You're comfortable?" I ask wanting to know if to change my position, she nods as she slowly closes her eyes

12 am

Wanda is in deep sleep and I'm still really inside her, I move closer to her to get comfortable cuasing Wanda to moan softly, I get comfortable and let sleep take me

Wanda's pov
11 am

I wake up and smile seeing Vis is still hugging me and we're both still naked, I start kissing Vis, slowly waking him up, he hums and I take it as my sign, I get myself on top of him and he slowly opens his eyes

"Good morning sleepy" I say chuckling a bit

"Good morning love, did you sleep good?" He asks stroking my hair

"Yeah" I say putting a hand on my belly and gently rubbing it

2 pm

"Wnada how are you?" Clint asks walking to me and hugging me

"Good" I smile

"How's the baby?" He asks looking at my belly

"Really good" I say rubbing my bump

I feel two hands on my belly and lean back on Vis, he kisses my head and Clint smiles at us, I feel the baby moving before she kicks my bladder

"Vis i need to pee" I say moving his hands and quickly walking to the bathroom "had to kick my bladder?"

5 pm

I lay in bed while Vis rubs my belly

"She's kicking" I say and Vis looks at me amazed

I take his hand and put it on the place

"She kicked" he says exited

Her kicks are not too strong so it's hard for others to feel it

"What else is she doing?" He asks looking at my belly

"She's moving a bit" I say

He kisses my bump and I smile at him

7 pm

"What do you feel?" Vis asks

"Like my chest is on fire" I chuckle nervously

I have a heartburn and it is horrible, Vis hands me a glass and I look to see it's a glass of milk

"Why did you bring me milk?" I ask

"It's supposed to help your heartburn"

I take a sip and a little gage escapes

"Love?" Vis asks stroking my hair "It's just clean milk"

"Why do i have so many heartburns?!" I whin

"I guess she'll have nice hair" Vis says

"She better have vary nice hair" I say taking another sip of the milk causing Vis to chuckle "I'm not kidding"

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