first new year

226 12 0

Age: 6 months

Wanda's pov
3 pm

It's Viv's first new year's and I'm so excited

"Darling she's hungry" Vis says walking into the kitchen

I'm making some food for tonight and Vivi is a bit too attached to her milk, she started teething a bit so she is fussier, and that means I've been producing more milk for her to help her with her pain

"I pumped" I say

"She didn't want the bottle, I think it hurt her more" Vis says

"Can you bring me my sling then?" I ask as I need my hands to cook

"Already brought it" he says showing me it

"Good, keep staring" I say

I take the sling and wrap it, I take Viv and put her in it, she fuss but quickly quiets down once she sees my nipple

"Good girl" I say kissing her head

"You need help Darling?" Vis asks


6 pm

I've been trying to put Viv for her nap an hour ago, but she won't stop crying so now she's overtired which makes it harder to put her to sleep

"Take a bit of your milk and rub it on her gum, it should help her" Vis says

I use Viv's bottle and dip my finger in the milk, I open her mouth and rub my finger on her gums gently, she calms down a bit and starts suckling my finger, I move my finger and try to give her the bottle, but she latches off and whins

"See, I think it hurts her, it's too harsh on her gums" Vis says

"And my nipples aren't?" I say a bit annoyed

"Well comparing to the bottle your nipples are softer, and it's more comforting for her" he says

"I don't want her to be attracted to me all the time, there's a reason why i pump" I say as I sit on my nursing chair with Viv

"I know love, but she's teething and it hurts her, i can go and buy different bottles so she'll try them, ok?" He asks and I nod as I latch Viv on

I feel her gums biting me a bit and wince

9 pm

I get out of the shower with Viv and wrap her and myself in towels, I lay Viv on our bed and take a clean diaper, I put her diaper on and take the clothes I picked for her, I was about to dress her but she whins turning onto her belly

"Vivi it's cold, come on sweetheart" I say turning her making her cry

I quickly dress her in her dress and pick her up, she smacks her lips putting her hands on my chest

"Not now sweetheart, mama needs to get ready" I say moving her hands

She starts crying and I go to the nursery, looking for her pacifier, I give her her pacifier and she whimpers a bit as she sucks on her pacifier

"Darling are you ready?" Vis asks walking into our room

"No, Vivi gave me a hard time" I say as I run to the bathroom to do my hair

"The party starts in 30 minutes" Vis says

"I know!" I say

I don't have time and I need to do my hair, makeup and get dressed

I the moment I finish my hair and makeup I run to get dressed

"Can you close my dress please?" I ask turning around so he'll close it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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